Saturday, December 11, 2010

This Week's Monitium Business Presentations For The Week Of 12/13

MNOW - Monitium's Network of Women
Monday, December 13, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Join Treasure Milinovich as she unveils the vision for Monitium's exclusive women's leadership and empowerment community, The Network of Women. She will share exactly how you can start to spread the message of The Network of Women and why this community will be beneficial not only for your own growth and personal branding as a leader, but also for building your Monitium business.

You will hear from several top female leaders as they share why they are passionate about The Network of Women and how we can all come together to build the largest community of like-minded entrepreneurial women ever created.

You will learn how to make The Network of Women a central focus for building your business and what you can do to assist in the building of MNow as a powerful, unified tribe. The ladies have a unique opportunity to finally make a lasting impact on this industry as a collective voice, and you are one of the first on board!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM EST

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...
Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...
Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Wisdom of Monitium Conference Call
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

Join Advisory Board members Mary Lou Venable and Elaine Venable Stapleton on an interactive conference call and... bring your questions!

Mary Lou and Elaine have their own winning style that has made them very successful -- and they are committed to YOUR success! Here are some of the topics they will discuss:

.. Why Monitium, and why now
.. The importance of every person involved
.. Why we need to expect and embrace change
.. How to make a full-time income from pennies, nickels, and dimes
.. How this business is just like the world of sports
.. and much, much, more!

This will be fun and motivating, so please join us!

Conference dial-in number: (712) 432-0075
Access code: 335718

To use Skype for calling into the conference calls (with no telephone charges), add "freeconferencing" to your contacts. At the scheduled time of your conference call, select ‘freeconferencing’ and click the Call button. Once the call is connected, locate the key pad and enter the access code followed by the pound (#) key when prompted.

(To locate the Skype keypad to enter your access code, select the contact first and then the green Dial button to connect the call. In the same area as the Dial button, next to the volume control to the right, you will see a round drop down icon. Click on the icon and select Display Keypad from the drop down menu. When prompted, enter your access code using the Skype keypad followed by the # key.)

The Monitium Advantage Presentation

Thursday, December 16, 2010 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM EST

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...
Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation 
Thursday, December 16, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Join leaders from around the globe, and feel the Monitium excitement! Hear why 6 and 7 figure earners from our industry wanted to find a better way, and have found their last home with Monitium. Listen to what they're saying and doing to share this revolutionary opportunity with everyone they speak with!

This call is audio only. Once you register for this event, you will be given a call-in number, or you may also listen with VOIP if you log in as if attending a webinar.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Leader Mindset with Jim Bellacera
Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST

Join Monitium co-founder Jim Bellacera, as he speaks with industry experts from around the globe. Through Jim's interviews each week, you will... hear about the path that each leader has taken, learn from their insight and experience, and gain an in-depth understanding of why they've chosen to align themselves with Monitium, and why now!

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation
Saturday, December 18, 2010 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...

Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

Monitium Success System Training
Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

Learn how to start using and maximizing our fantastic Monitium Success System -- the most comprehensive and integrative business center and marketing system ever created! Hosted by our top-tier development team, we will walk you through the entire system, and teach you and your team how to get the most out of this incredible platform of tools. Bring your questions!

The Monitium Success System is the backbone and work-horse of our entire Monitium business. It has -- and we will continue to develop -- every tool you will need to market and operate a multi-million dollar organization. But it is also one of the many selling points of marketing your Monitium business and joining your team! Our System is already getting accolades, so make sure you learn how to get the most out of it -- it will simplify your life, make you more efficient, help your team grow quickly, and give you another benefit to introduce to your Monitium prospect!

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!
To Be Determined
Monitium CEO Ken Eggleston 'Live'!
Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Monitium's CEO, founder and visionary, Ken Eggleston speaks about the creation, opportunity, and vision of Monitium -- the revolutionary new paradigm for the Network Marketing Industry.

SPECIAL UPDATE WEBINAR! Here are some of the topics to be covered:

* date wowgreen International enrollments go live
* new application overview
* new binary placement process overview, and...


This will be a fully active webinar, so you'll want to be in front of your computer screen so you can view all of these important updates as Mr. Eggleston goes over each one.

Hear the inspiration and the years of experience, thought and foresight which led to the creation of Monitium. Ken is a fantastic speaker and leader, and it's imperative for your business that you understand what brought us all together in Monitium and why everyone in the Network Marketing industry will soon experience the incredible impact that will be felt the world over. We will open it up to questions at the end.


"This is the sexiest looking system and back-office I've ever seen! You folks have outdone yourselves. There's so many useful tools already, I can't wait to see what's coming."- Brandon Wright

"Ken Eggleston is a person and leader of the highest caliber that I have ever had the pleasure of being associated with. His integrity and vision is humbling and I feel very fortunate that we have his guidance at the very top of Monitium."
- Ryan Vanderpool, MLM Legend

"Finally, the TEAM -- not a company -- is the FOCUS. Monitium will be the biggest force in the network marketing arena. This is a HOME RUN!"
- Jimmy Hodges

"I am blown away with this system. I wish to thank you very much. This will bless millions."
- Ronny C. Kirkland

We look forward to seeing you there!

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