Learn how to start using and maximizing our fantastic Monitium Success System -- the most comprehensive and integrative business center and marketing system ever created! The Monitium Success System is the backbone and work-horse of our entire Monitium business. It has -- and we will continue to develop -- every tool you will need to market and operate a multi-million dollar organization.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
MLM Paradigm Shift | Monitium Concept | Joe Kronk Presentation
Welcome to Monitium, the Game Changer in the MLM industry. We are the # 1 Business Solution for both new and veteran network marketers who are looking to protect, as well as, create secure wealth that will last a lifetime and beyond. Monitium was conceived by top earning network marketing professionals, entrepreneurs and home based business specialists to bring a paradigm shift to the MLM industry as it exists today.
Monitium was created to protect the financial assets of professional network marketers, as well as, offering unmatched universal industry training and support.
Monitium is here to support both the established network marketer with a team of thousands, as well as, the brand new person just starting out. Our industry changing proprietary platform encompasses all the necessary functionality to ensure that you and your team have the finest support, back office and marketing systems available in the industry today. Monitium was designed to give network marketing professional's control over their most important asset...their genealogy!
While this may sound simple in concept, it's not, nor has it ever been done before on this grand of a scale. In essence, you'll build your team once inside Monitium's proprietary platform and have it last longer than your lifetime.
Imagination, Forward Thinking and Strategic Planning Equals Winning Big:
The only way to increase your current MLM income is to increase the size of your team in any given company, which takes a lot of effort. The concept of a single product from a single company was "best practice" up until now.
Do you want limitations on your ability to create wealth?
Of course not, but that's exactly the position you're currently in if you represent only one company. It's time to supercharge your MLM income stream. It's time to embrace a new way of winning in this great industry by becoming an Associate with Monitium and participate in our dynamic portfolio wealth building platform.
What will you be offering to others as a Monitium Associate?
The best combination of all, yourself and the Monitium way of doing business! Once you fully understand the simplicity and ease of what this will mean for both you and your team, you'll wish we'd made this available years ago!
Watch as my my Friend and Business Partner Joe Kronk Shows an Overview of the Paradigm Shift in the MLM Industry..
Your first major step in securing long-term financial success is to stop fixating on any one MLM company or their product(s) and start focusing on your business by branding yourself within the Monitium proprietary platform. Our members first share the industry changing concept of Monitium, which is then further supported by our active portfolio partners. If you're beginning to understand the big picture, you'll see that the value is in the people on your team and not in any one company or their products,as they can come and go based upon consumer needs and trends.
You'll only be representing one company, Monitium. Both you and your team will only be recruiting into your Monitium business through your Monitium business building website. You and your team will never need to recruit into a portfolio company directly, so you'll never need to talk, or worry about who has the best compensation plan, vitamin, lotion, juice, weight loss product, etc... which is what most new network marketers struggle with.
Instead, you'll now be able to show your prospect a unique MLM wealth building system, with a complete stand alone platform that partners with the best MLM companies in the industry to create an unmatched opportunity.
Instead of finding a company and then struggling to build your team (which is what 99% of people do currently and thus fail), we first help you build your team within Monitium's stand alone genealogy platform, where our team of experts educate and train you and your team for success.
Your Monitium team will truly be the last MLM team you'll ever need to build to ensure your future wealth.
Check Out more GREAT videos from Industry legend Jim Bellacera.
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
You can always find an updated webinar schedule on my blog..
To your massive success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Are You Tired Of Losing Your Top LEADERS and Downline To Other Opportunities?
With the advent of the internet and the latest and greatest "pre-launch" of the week, MLM Distributors are moving around and jumping ship like never before in an effort to "get in at the top" so to speak, and get rich quick.
The power of the Internet hasn't helped the masses win at the MLM wealth creation game. In fact, the Internet has created a frenzy of MLM hoppers, which has created chaos in the industry.
The Internet has not just changed the MLM business model it has broken it for good. Downline attrition is the number one problem in MLM right now.
The MLM industry has become obsessed with "pre-launches", and "the next big thing."
Thousands of new MLM's launch every year thanks to the Internet.
But there are only so many Distributors to go around.
This is the current world of the 'Pre-Launch.' This is when a Company will try to catch the attention of networkers, and steer them away from their current opportunity with the promise of "getting in at the top" or "getting in on the ground floor."
Unfortunately, they will be off on the NEXT newest ground floor opportunity that promises to build an instant downline in a blink of an eye.
These days,you will find many Companies imploring you to "Lock in your spot" and pre-build your team and make money when the Company goes live.The problem there is that the Company just wants to stack as many possible Distributors as possible into their geneology. But, when the time comes to activate, where have all the Potential Distributors gone ? Why haven't they joined ? Why don't you have the large team that was promised ?
Well, in the time it takes to launch, too many other opportunities have come along and now you are left with your autoship and NO downline.
And before you know it, the game starts all over again.
Another shiny new MLM will launch in about 6-9 months or much sooner, and when it does, many Distributors, including your own Leaders scramble to find their position with the new Company, destroying their old company from the bottom up in the process.
This has resulted in vicious fights between these companies over a dwindling supply of warm bodies.
Unfortunately this will not change anytime soon. Information is too readily available and puts a down line, that you technically don't even own, in major jeopardy.
So what can you do about it?
Well, you can continue to go on with the old methods and build a MLM downline but the risks far outweigh the benefits these days based on the above alarming trends.
What is your most valuable business asset?
Besides YOU, I'm sure you'd agree that its your TEAM of course, right?
Who do you think controls your most valuable asset, you or your MLM company? You probably guessed it, in the existing industry model the MLM company does!
If you leave the company for any number of reasons (voluntary or involuntary), do you think they'll print off a full copy of your genealogy for you? No way.. But wait, wasn't this YOUR business?
I know leaders in this industry are burnt out and tired. I know they are fed up with working around the clock and giving their blood sweat and tears for people who will leave them at a drop of a dime if something comes along that might be slightly better on appearance
Is there a better way to give both YOU (the distributor), and the MLM company a more harmonious and fair relationship, which would allow us to create a Win/Win for everyone?
But, NOW there is a solution for attrition in the Industry...Monitium !
Monitium is already being described by industry professionals as the ultimate "MLM wealth creation vehicle" because of its unique platform. Just as you would never place all of your savings in one stock investment, nor should you invest all your effort and time in just one MLM company, which may or may not stand the test of time.
Monitium's brilliant portfolio strategy dilutes your risk and maximizes your potential for gain. The Monitium platform ensures that you will build a business that lasts a lifetime as you embrace the next Millennium with Monitium!
Then, at your discretion, you and your team can engage in multiple new portfolio Companies. Never again will Network Marketers be at the mercy of any one company or have to move from one company to another, sacrificing their hard earned income and losing valued team members.
Your Monitium team will truly be the last MLM team you'll ever need to build to ensure your future wealth.
Check Out more GREAT videos from Industry legend Jim Bellacera.
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
You can always find an updated webinar schedule on my blog..
To your massive success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Marketing System Or "SUCCESS SYSTEM" ~ Your Choice! | Monitium Success System
“Everybody stumbles across a golden opportunity at least once in a lifetime. Unfortunately most people just pick themselves up, dust themselves down, and walk away from it.” ~ Winston Churchill
As you probably know, there are many, many online marketing systems out there with new ones popping up all the time. The fact is most of these systems are good, they have some fantastic information.
I have used a number of systems and the better ones will offer you landing/lead capturing pages from which to choose, a personal branding page that allows your prospects to get to know YOU, an Opportunity” page, where you can promote your business or opportunities, targeted auto responders already prepared and set up for you,etc. Many have excellent training and will teach you how to generate leads for your business.
But, many times you will have to get these various system tools from a number of different resources and purchase them separately. You may have to go to Aweber for your auto-responder, Go To Webinar for you web conferencing needs, a company like Talk Fusion for your video e-mail needs, etc.
The cost can be extensive...
Plus, the market is saturated with all these marketing systems....
So.... I began looking for something that had just as much potential as these 'Marketing systems', but
• something that was unique, with the capacity to grow
• something I could get involved with early on, and position myself as a leader
• and the ability to build a large residual income
Ideally, what I was looking for was a platform from which other Network Marketers could benefit — something I could plug my existing network into which would enable them earn an income quickly.
But, did it even exist?
• A system with a ‘top-class’ binary compensation plan attached. (Binary compensation plans are very powerful. I love them because they encourage team work, duplication and people helping each other to build their business)
• A fully duplicable system which people could just ‘plug into’ and earn money as quickly as possible. (The easier the system is to plug people into, the faster your organization will grow!)
• A system that I could stay with throughout my Network Marketing career... even if I left my current company, joined a different one, or my existing company went BUST. (This is critical)
• A product and company I could believe in 100%. (Yes, I’ve been with a few...many of them failed to deliver, over promise and under deliver)
• A system that had massive room for growth and is not at saturation point like many of the other systems out there. (It gets pretty tough when everyone’s selling the same system and are all fighting and scrapping over the leads and prospects who’ve already heard of the system they’re promoting)
• Something that and my leaders and I could grow with rather than being at the bottom of the pile. It’s a great feeling when your whole organization just ‘explodes’ right in front of your eyes.
• A system that wasn’t going to try to sell my downline ‘other products and services’ and encourage me to split my focus by selling other affiliate programs to my downline... (yes, different programs are great, but can be incredibly distracting and overwhelming for your team.)
• A system that teaches and trains others how to use it automatically. This way, I could focus on my most productive work and leave the system to educate my downline without my input.
• The ability to be able to work as part of a strong team — hundreds of people all going in the same direction, all helping each other. (Successful Network Marketers love working as part of a team... it’s critical to the success of their downline.)
A system that would brand ME and my TEAM
Focus is the key.... and if you can keep your downline focused on building their Network Marketing business and branding themselves online, then you're on to a winner!
I wanted to be able to create leverage with the system I was marketing — do the work once and continue to earn a residual income through a pay plan.
Introducing the Monitium SUCCESS SYSTEM.. this is so much more than I could have ever imagined.
The Benefits of Joining Monitium Are Substantial:
Make money with your organization DAY ONE when we enter a new portfolio company.
- Generate multiple streams of income. Never jump from MLM to MLM again.
- Build a Larger and larger group underneath you with the ease of recruiting into Monitium's low cost platform.
- You are registered independently so when we move, we move as the group registered in our genealogy tree and your position is date and time stamped from the moment of enrollment.
- Our experienced leadership team identifies the best business opportunities by analyzing and investigating the best performing MLM companies. We do the detailed analysis for you!
Monitium Associates have chosen to embrace our model for several reasons. First and foremost, they've decided to build a strong team (financial asset), independent of any one MLM company. Because they build a team that exists outside of any one company, they profit from that same team over and over again as Monitium enters new portfolio companies.
Your membership provides you with all the tools you need to run your own MLM business and to build a dynamic team. For an incredibly low investment on your part, we provide you with all the necessary tools to create your own successful business.
This is just the beginning of the rollout with many more tools planned for the near future, in addition to what we already have. As a Marketer, YOU will have ALL the tools you could possibly need UNDER ONE ROOF...ALL designed for YOUR SUCCESS!!
- Replicated Monitium Websites
- Personal Branding Components For Replicated Sites
- Contact-Me Video Integration
- Multiple URL Creation For Target Marketing
- Prospect Video Tracking
- Prospect Audio Tracking
- Full Flashbook PDF Integration With Tracking
- Multiple Lead Capture Pages For Prospect Data Capture
- Analytics Reporting System
- Most Active Prospect Display Board
- System Wide "Recent Prospect" Activities Module
I could go on and on, but what I suggest you do is to watch the following video where Jim Bellacera talks about the type of tools that Monitium provides to help both online and offline.
Monitium is growing very quickly, so take advantage of the time you have RIGHT NOW !
Check Out more GREAT videos from Industry legend Jim Bellacera.
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
You can always find an updated webinar schedule on my blog..
To your massive success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monitium Success System | Ask Jim Bellacera
You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don't see them. ~ Jay Abraham
By now I'm sure you have started to hear about Monitium. If you have and you have already joined this ONE-OF-A-KIND platform...congratulations and you are well on your way to a future of TIME FREEDOM and FINANCIAL FREEDOM for you and your family...
If you have heard of Monitium, but you aren't quite certain what this platform offers you and the entire Industry and still have many questions, we will do our best to answer those questions.
There is nobody better to answer the most frequently asked questions than Industry legend (and my upline) Jim Bellacera...
So, in this post, Jim will answer the following questions..
1) What type of questions are leaders joining Monitium asking?
2) Do you have to leave your current MLM Company?
Video #1.. Jim Bellacera talks about what type of questions the leaders in the MLM industry are asking before joining Monitium
Video #2... Jim Bellacera talks about... do you have to leave your current MLM Company?
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
You owe it to yourself to take a close look at this movement. Why are the best of the best Network Marketers coming to this movement? There are MLM companies lining up to try and be represented by this movement. In fact some have said they will drop in their entire geneologies into this system.
You owe it to yourself as a Marketer to clear off your schedule for about an hour and go to http://www.monitium.com/ and watch the presentation video, listen to the audios by the leaders and read the PDF Documents on what is happening here.
Please join us for one of our daily webinars and hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future.
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
What Are Some Of The Benefits of Joining Monitium ?
You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don't see them. ~ Jay Abraham
Your membership provides you with all the tools you need to run your own MLM business and to build a dynamic team. For an incredibly low investment on your part, we provide you with all the necessary tools to create your own successful business. Your participation as a Monitium Associate will include:
You'll only be representing one company, Monitium. Both you and your team will only be recruiting into your Monitium business through your Monitium business building website.
You and your team will never need to recruit into a portfolio company directly, so you'll never need to talk, or worry about who has the best compensation plan, vitamin, lotion, juice, weight loss product, etc... which is what most new network marketers struggle with.
Instead, you'll now be able to show your prospect a unique MLM wealth building system, with a complete stand alone platform that partners with the best MLM companies in the industry to create an unmatched opportunity. Monitium even has a seamless connection to our portfolio companies, so everything is handled and tracked through your Monitium business portal. And even though we're not an MLM company, we provide our Associates with a "state of the art" robust backoffice and full genealogy platform to manage and track their teams growth.
Instead of finding a company and then struggling to build your team (which is what 99% of people do currently and thus fail), we first help you build your team within Monitium's stand alone genealogy platform, where our team of experts educate and train you and your team for success. After your team has reached a size which would be profitable (average time frame from immediate to 4 weeks depending on your commitment level), you insert your team structure into one or all of Monitium's portfolio Companies. This system allows both you and your team members to win and be in profit from Day One!
Monitium’s Leadership Team negotiates on your behalf to save you money on multiple items within participating portfolio companies. Your savings will range from hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings each year. We can accomplish this because of our team’s power in the MLM market place. You could compare it to the power Costco or Sam’s Club when they negotiate with their food vendors.
If you were to pay separately for each of the services that will be included with your Monitium membership, it would cost you close to $1,000.00 each month. Consider the cost of Constant Contact, Auto-responders, 800 numbers and the list goes on and on…. We invite you to research and find out what our services would cost if purchased individually in the market place.
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
![]() |
Every tool you will ever need, ALL under ONE roof! |
- Make money with your organization DAY ONE when we enter a new portfolio company.
- Generate multiple streams of income. Never jump from MLM to MLM again.
- Build a Larger and larger group underneath you with the ease of recruiting into Monitium's low cost platform.
- You are registered independently so when we move, we move as the group registered in our genealogy tree and your position is date and time stamped from the moment of enrollment.
- Our experienced leadership team identifies the best business opportunities by analyzing and investigating the best performing MLM companies. We do the detailed analysis for you!
- Imagine, for just a few dollars a day you'll cover all the costs of maintaining your websites, team database, web hosting, trainings, etc...
Your membership provides you with all the tools you need to run your own MLM business and to build a dynamic team. For an incredibly low investment on your part, we provide you with all the necessary tools to create your own successful business. Your participation as a Monitium Associate will include:
- Account creation and set-up fees
- Replicated website software
- Complete online marketing system
- Website hosting services
- Data storage and data management for your entire organization
- Back office functionality that allows you to view your organization
- Extensive training content and other industry materials
- Online community support and access to some of the best minds in the MLM arena.
- We fully investigate all MLM Portfolio companies, including company officers for you
You'll only be representing one company, Monitium. Both you and your team will only be recruiting into your Monitium business through your Monitium business building website.
You and your team will never need to recruit into a portfolio company directly, so you'll never need to talk, or worry about who has the best compensation plan, vitamin, lotion, juice, weight loss product, etc... which is what most new network marketers struggle with.
Instead, you'll now be able to show your prospect a unique MLM wealth building system, with a complete stand alone platform that partners with the best MLM companies in the industry to create an unmatched opportunity. Monitium even has a seamless connection to our portfolio companies, so everything is handled and tracked through your Monitium business portal. And even though we're not an MLM company, we provide our Associates with a "state of the art" robust backoffice and full genealogy platform to manage and track their teams growth.
Instead of finding a company and then struggling to build your team (which is what 99% of people do currently and thus fail), we first help you build your team within Monitium's stand alone genealogy platform, where our team of experts educate and train you and your team for success. After your team has reached a size which would be profitable (average time frame from immediate to 4 weeks depending on your commitment level), you insert your team structure into one or all of Monitium's portfolio Companies. This system allows both you and your team members to win and be in profit from Day One!
Monitium’s Leadership Team negotiates on your behalf to save you money on multiple items within participating portfolio companies. Your savings will range from hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings each year. We can accomplish this because of our team’s power in the MLM market place. You could compare it to the power Costco or Sam’s Club when they negotiate with their food vendors.
If you were to pay separately for each of the services that will be included with your Monitium membership, it would cost you close to $1,000.00 each month. Consider the cost of Constant Contact, Auto-responders, 800 numbers and the list goes on and on…. We invite you to research and find out what our services would cost if purchased individually in the market place.
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Monday, October 11, 2010
From The Desk Of Ken Eggleston CEO | Meet The Monitium Advisory Board
Dear Friends & Monitium Associates,
Wow, what an exciting time it is right now for all of us! We’re only a few weeks into Monitium’s “invitation only” VIP enrollment phase, and the reception from around the globe has been nothing short of staggering.
We’ve already had 4 times the number of enrollments that we had anticipated during the first 30 days of our VIP enrollment phase, and we’re barely at the twenty-two (22) day mark as I write this letter to you. Additionally, within Monitium’s genealogy, I now see the names of more than 50 top high six (6) and solid seven (7) figure MLM earners. Never in the history of our great industry has such a gathering of MLM TITANS taken place. Clearly Monitium’s Protected Genealogy & Success System have struck a chord with these leaders and they’re embracing Monitium as a platform whose time has come.
I’m also very pleased that we’ve opened 20 countries in our first 3 weeks, and that we will be completely global with unrestricted enrollment opportunities for you in the very near future. Those who take action now will quickly realize a team that spans the globe in short order, as well as an unrivaled income producing vehicle through our affiliated MLM companies. While this is all incredible news and worthy of an email itself, my primary reason for writing to you today is that I want to begin introducing Monitium’s esteemed Advisory Board members to you.
Over the coming weeks you’ll gain an understanding of each member’s background. Not only have these industry legends chosen to endorse Monitium’s game changing platform, but they will also be assisting us in shaping the culture of our company in the years ahead.
With this type of a leadership team in place, and a “who’s-who” list of top MLM earners, Monitium is clearly poised to grow beyond 100,000 associates in our first eighteen (18) months. The only remaining question is: How many of those 100,000 plus will be on your team?
The prominent and knowledgeable individuals who are associating their names and faces with Monitium are a clear testimony that you’re in the right place at the right time.
I’d like to now introduce you to one of the true legends of our industry, Mr. Paul Morris…
To Your Success!
Ken Eggleston
Monitium Founder & CEO
Monitium Founder & CEO
Paul Morris has been a powerhouse in the Network Marketing Industry for over thirty years and currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for eXfuze, a highly respected network marketing company based in the United States. Paul brings a wealth of industry knowledge to Monitium from both the MLM corporate perspective, as well as the field distributor who’s out making it happen every day in the trenches.
Paul was one of the highest level producers of all time for Amway and then afterwards, California Trim. During the past 25 years, Paul has been instrumental in taking five different start-up MLM companies from zero to $15 million per month in sales. With one of those companies, he set records by enrolling more than 100,000 people in less than 90 days. He is an engaging speaker and has a passion for charity work in third-world nations. Paul is a true pioneer in this industry: he introduced conference calling, fax on demand, and created the first voice mail recruiting system ever.
He even produced the first video recruiting tape and coined the expression “push play”. He has set — and then broken — his own records in business building and income generation.
Monitium is grateful to have Paul’s servant leader perspective on our board.
Rod " MLM Watchdog" Cook
Loral is the author of the national best-seller "The Millionaire Maker" and two other New York Times bestselling books. In addition to her sold-out workshops, she currently acts as a financial expert on the Dr. Phil Show, mentoring families in financial crisis. She also appeares frequently on CNN, CNBC and Fox News Channel; has been featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times; and on the web at ABCNews.com, Forbes.com, and BusinessWeek.com. She is the creator of The Millionaire Maker Game®, a board game that teaches people how to build wealth through asset generating ventures.
It is truly an honor to have Loral serving on Monitium's Advisory board and helping guide our Associates with their long-term wealth creation planning.
Monitium's Chief Legal Advisor & Corporate Counsel
Scott Warren is recognized world-wide as one of the top MLM / Network Marketing attorneys. He specializes in the area's of organization and operation of Direct Sales and Network Marketing companies, with an emphasis on regulatory compliance, and has counseled companies and distributors throughout the world on the proper operation of companies and day-to-day legal challenges. Scott has testified on Network Marketing issues on behalf of the United States Department of Justice in criminal cases. He has also successfully negotiated on behalf of MLM / Network Marketing companies with over 20 different U.S. State Attorney General’s offices. He has also litigated with, and successfully negotiated matters with the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Scott is the author of "Network Marketing and You, Legal Issues in Network Marketing". He has also co-authored another book with recognized industry expert Rod Cook (MLM Watchdog & Monitium Advisory Board member), which details the laws and issues in all 50 U.S. States. Scott has been featured as a panelist on legal issues in the industry with the Multi-Level Marketing International Association, as well as the Direct Sales Association (DSA), at their Legal Issues Conference.
Scott's role at Monitium is simple, "Protect Monitium's Associates in a Pro-Active Manner!"
Our Associate's should feel very pleased to know that a Network Marketing Legal Powerhouse like Scott Warren carefully reviews all legal agreements with our potential MLM affiliated companies prior to giving Monitium the "OK" to move forward with finalizing any agreements. Scott's legal review process ensures that Monitium is in a position to act as a powerful Advocate on behalf of our Associates, should it become necessary during a compliance investigation, or other matters that might negatively affect an Associate's business.
Never before has any entity in the MLM industry engaged as an Advocate at the level that Monitium does to protect your team and paycheck. Is it expensive to do all this? You bet! But Monitium is committed to delivering "over the top" value to each and every Associate, because we are on a mission to change the MLM industry and ensure that an equitable relationship finally exists between the MLM owner and the Professional Network Marketer.
Max Steingart
For more than 30 years, Max Steingart has been helping people make money with computers. Prior to his involvement in the network marketing industry, he created the world's largest database publishing company before the Internet existed. It became an INC 500 company, and his business innovations earned him accolades from two US Presidents. INC Magazine named him their Success Story of the Year in 1989.
Max is currently recognized as one the foremost worldwide experts on Social Media Internet prospecting and recruiting. He has been teaching the subject for over 15 years to hundreds of thousands of network marketers and home based business owners world-wide. Max's systems have revolutionized how you can grow a team within the direct sales industry. Max's sense of humor and easy teaching style make the entire prospecting and recruiting process more fun than work for everyone.
Max's credentials as a direct sales and network marketing expert come from his experiences in the field as a distributor, a recognized leader in his company with one of the largest groups, an Internet sales and marketing trainer for over 50 companies, a supplier member to all the Industry trade associations, a key note speaker, and a consultant to many companies. Over the past three years, Max has created the world's largest video training library, and his vast industry knowledge will be a tremendous asset to the Monitium Leadership Team!
Grayson Marshall, Jr., is a kingdom minded servant, inspirational leader, speaker, entrepreneur, and visionary who has traveled around the globe and inspired tens of thousands of people to live their lives to the fullest.
A former McDonald’s High School All-American, and a two-time college All-American, Team Captain, career assist leader and 2009 Hall of Fame inductee at Clemson University, Grayson learned the importance of teamwork and assisting others. Grayson pulls from over 40 years of experience - from being homeless to being one of the most sought-after entrepreneurial motivational speakers in the wellness, finance and sports industries. He is the author of two books - The Game Matters and Dad’s Unfinished Business.
“Coach Grayson” has been a six figure earner in the network marketing industry for more than one company and currently serves as a Presidential founder and Advisory Council President for WowGreen. Grayson believes the Monitium platform fully exemplifies the approach to empower and educate the masses for an opportunity to shift a paradigm.
We are very privileged to have Grayson as a member of our Advisory Board, and look forward to his contributions as Monitium transforms the Network Marketing industry for the Next Millennium.
Mary Lou Venable & Elaine Venable Stapleton
Mary Lou Venable
Mary Lou is a true LEGEND within the MLM world, and her leadership is felt globally. Mary Lou shattered the glass ceiling that existed in the early days of MLM, and she has paved a pioneering course for others to follow. Her attitude and approach to business is captured in this quote:
"The most important part of any business is to treat it like a business. A person can enjoy large returns even if the investment is small. One must remember that the seeds you sow will eventually grow into a success. If a person works it a little, then a little might be earned in return. If a person works diligently at the business, it will flourish."
Indeed Mary Lou's early conventional business ventures flourished, as she and her family owned and operated a high-end men's clothing store, with stores in four (4) states in the U.S.. It was during the early years of the clothing business that Mary Lou was introduced to a networking company called A.L Williams. It was during this time that she became licensed in Life, Health and Investments with Series 7, Series 63, and Series 6.
Thanks to her experiences with A.L. Williams, and later in working with NuSkin International and Rexall Showcase International, Mary Lou gained tremendous insight into the world of networking industry both as a distributor, and from inside company board rooms.
Here's a quick glimpse into Mary Lou's significant accomplishments within our industry: At Rexall, Mary Lou became the first woman to achieve the 10-Star Presidential Director, as well as shattering the "glass ceiling" within the company by becoming the first woman to serve on Rexall's Advisory Board. In addition to her leadership roles at NuSkin and Rexall, Mary Lou's MLM career has success story after success story. Her wealth of leadership experience as a top industry trainer, Master Distributor, and Presidential Advisory Board member for some of the most successful MLM companies in history will certainly be a huge asset to our Monitium Associates!
Elaine Venable Stapleton
Elaine always had a business state of mind, and her most rewarding experience is being in a business environment. She studied business at the University of Tennessee and Lincoln Memorial University. At the age of 16, Elaine acquired an amazing work ethic by working alongside her mother Mary Lou and her father Jerry in family business. She then went on to own and operate Elaine's Bridal and Formal Boutique by the age of 18. With a strong sales background, she oversaw all avenues of the business. She learned to create and nurture relationships with her clients and associates, both externally and internally, and become a strong problem solver.
Elaine has followed in her mother's footsteps, becoming incredibly successful in the Network Marketing industry and serving as a Master Distributor with a successful MLM company. Elaine, along with her mother, Mary Lou, look forward to the opportunity of being a part of Monitium's global expansion that will benefit every serious Network Marketer world-wide.
Besides working in the Network Marketing industry, Elaine enjoys helping others. She participates in many charitable organizations, such as March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society, and the Claiborne County Chapter. Elaine held a variety of fundraisers for company projects at Clayton homes, and she was a member on the Board of Directors at the All Saints Episcopal School in Morristown, TN.
Elaine and Mary Lou have great plans for Monitium and will also be serving on the leadership team of Monitium's Network of Woman. Monitium will gain enormously from their business wisdom and servant leadership philosophy.
With leaders of this caliber embracing the vision of Monitium, there is no doubt that we are poised to change the MLM industry!
Andries Johannesen (also affectionately known as "AJ" by his friends & colleagues), was born in the Netherlands and moved to Australia at the age of 12 with his family.
AJ's involvement in the profession of Network Marketing spans more than two decades. Like many others, he first was introduced to Amway and the circles some 30 years ago, but at that time he felt that the industry was not really appropriate for a successful entrepreneur in investment banking. Then, after some serious life challenges, AJ trained and consulted in personal development and promoted speakers like James Rohn and Robert Kiyosaki. It was then that the concepts of "leverage" and "empowerment" really hit home, and Andries' passion and commitment to the profession grew rapidly. Within a short time, AJ achieved success and financial freedom with MLM, far away from the traditional career track he had previously been on.
AJ has reached the highest rank in numerous companies with various products, including health supplements, jewelry, gold coins and telecommunications. He has built substantial global businesses with nearly every MLM compensation plan: Binary, Matrix, Breakaway, Unilevel, Party Plan and Hybrid. For AJ, it's really about the people and bringing out their best through mentoring and coaching while empowering them to fulfill their life's purpose. He is considered by his peers to be a working leader, one that represents the industry with integrity and a higher purpose, working tirelessly to benefit all that are involved in this wonderful thing we call Network Marketing!
Andries is on the short list of who to call when a U.S. company is interested in expanding into Europe, Asia and Australia. He has also made a major difference in thousands of people's lives by running the "You were Born Rich " workshop for companies and distributors. AJ is an active international member with the Distributor Rights Association (now The Association of Network Marketing Professionals).
Monitium will be depending on AJ's expertise to help ensure that our Affiliated MLM companies open quickly in as many international countries as possible!
Chris Cucchiara has been a dedicated entrepreneur for thirty years, a former world-class bodybuilder, and a recognized seasoned professional in both the fitness and Network Marketing industries. He coaches and mentors people in the areas of human and business development, leadership, and lifestyle management.
At the age of 21 Chris opened up the California Gym, which went on to become the most successful bodybuilding gym in Northern California. He grew his gym business from zero to over $1 million a year. Chris retired from the gym business in 1995 to become involved in Network Marketing. Because of his burning desire to succeed, he became one of the fastest growing distributors and income earners in his first company. Today, he comes to Monitium as a nationally recognized leader, having built large organizations and reaching the top pay plan in multiple companies. Through his mind-fit teaching philosophy, he has enjoyed seeing thousands of people reach entirely new levels of personal satisfaction, growth, and financial success.
Chris has been featured in both Success and Your Business at Home Magazines. He is also the author of LESSONS FROM THE GYM - Finding Purpose and Profit through Network Marketing, and the forthcoming book series LESSONS FROM THE GYM for Young Adults - 5 Secrets to Gaining Control of Your Life, and LESSONS FROM THE GYM - Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset.
It's an honor to have a recognized MLM leader like Chris as part of our Advisory board.
Stay Tuned for introductions to more Advisory Board Members in the coming days...
Rod " MLM Watchdog" Cook
Everyone in the MLM world knows and respects Rod Cook. He’s often referred to as “The MLM Godfather”. He’s been involved in network marketing for four decades, during which time he has fought tirelessly to help and protect distributors and expose unscrupulous companies. He has served the industry in many different ways, including acting as a Chairman of the Multi-Level Marketing International Association, and co-founding the Association of Network Marketing Professionals. But he’s probably best known as the outspoken editor of ‘The MLM Insider’ magazine which has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, as well as in Success magazine, Newsweek, and The Wall Street Journal.
Rod continues to keep a watchful eye on the MLM world through the MLM WatchDog, which every major player in the industry subscribes to. This web based publication helps track all companies and any active litigation, as well as any FTC (Federal Trade Commission), or U.S. State Attorney General Investigations.
It is truly an honor to have Rod actively serving on Monitium's Advisory Board, and his counsel will help ensure that we always take the proper steps to protect our Associates business interests.

Loral Langemeier will serve as Monitium’s Wealth Creation Expert. Loral is one of today's most dynamic and pioneering financial strategists, a best-selling author, and a leading motivational speaker. 
Loral is the author of the national best-seller "The Millionaire Maker" and two other New York Times bestselling books. In addition to her sold-out workshops, she currently acts as a financial expert on the Dr. Phil Show, mentoring families in financial crisis. She also appeares frequently on CNN, CNBC and Fox News Channel; has been featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times; and on the web at ABCNews.com, Forbes.com, and BusinessWeek.com. She is the creator of The Millionaire Maker Game®, a board game that teaches people how to build wealth through asset generating ventures.
It is truly an honor to have Loral serving on Monitium's Advisory board and helping guide our Associates with their long-term wealth creation planning.
Monitium's Chief Legal Advisor & Corporate Counsel
Scott Warren is recognized world-wide as one of the top MLM / Network Marketing attorneys. He specializes in the area's of organization and operation of Direct Sales and Network Marketing companies, with an emphasis on regulatory compliance, and has counseled companies and distributors throughout the world on the proper operation of companies and day-to-day legal challenges. Scott has testified on Network Marketing issues on behalf of the United States Department of Justice in criminal cases. He has also successfully negotiated on behalf of MLM / Network Marketing companies with over 20 different U.S. State Attorney General’s offices. He has also litigated with, and successfully negotiated matters with the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Scott is the author of "Network Marketing and You, Legal Issues in Network Marketing". He has also co-authored another book with recognized industry expert Rod Cook (MLM Watchdog & Monitium Advisory Board member), which details the laws and issues in all 50 U.S. States. Scott has been featured as a panelist on legal issues in the industry with the Multi-Level Marketing International Association, as well as the Direct Sales Association (DSA), at their Legal Issues Conference.
Scott's role at Monitium is simple, "Protect Monitium's Associates in a Pro-Active Manner!"
Our Associate's should feel very pleased to know that a Network Marketing Legal Powerhouse like Scott Warren carefully reviews all legal agreements with our potential MLM affiliated companies prior to giving Monitium the "OK" to move forward with finalizing any agreements. Scott's legal review process ensures that Monitium is in a position to act as a powerful Advocate on behalf of our Associates, should it become necessary during a compliance investigation, or other matters that might negatively affect an Associate's business.
Never before has any entity in the MLM industry engaged as an Advocate at the level that Monitium does to protect your team and paycheck. Is it expensive to do all this? You bet! But Monitium is committed to delivering "over the top" value to each and every Associate, because we are on a mission to change the MLM industry and ensure that an equitable relationship finally exists between the MLM owner and the Professional Network Marketer.
Max Steingart
For more than 30 years, Max Steingart has been helping people make money with computers. Prior to his involvement in the network marketing industry, he created the world's largest database publishing company before the Internet existed. It became an INC 500 company, and his business innovations earned him accolades from two US Presidents. INC Magazine named him their Success Story of the Year in 1989.
Max is currently recognized as one the foremost worldwide experts on Social Media Internet prospecting and recruiting. He has been teaching the subject for over 15 years to hundreds of thousands of network marketers and home based business owners world-wide. Max's systems have revolutionized how you can grow a team within the direct sales industry. Max's sense of humor and easy teaching style make the entire prospecting and recruiting process more fun than work for everyone.
Max's credentials as a direct sales and network marketing expert come from his experiences in the field as a distributor, a recognized leader in his company with one of the largest groups, an Internet sales and marketing trainer for over 50 companies, a supplier member to all the Industry trade associations, a key note speaker, and a consultant to many companies. Over the past three years, Max has created the world's largest video training library, and his vast industry knowledge will be a tremendous asset to the Monitium Leadership Team!
Grayson Marshall, Jr., is a kingdom minded servant, inspirational leader, speaker, entrepreneur, and visionary who has traveled around the globe and inspired tens of thousands of people to live their lives to the fullest.
A former McDonald’s High School All-American, and a two-time college All-American, Team Captain, career assist leader and 2009 Hall of Fame inductee at Clemson University, Grayson learned the importance of teamwork and assisting others. Grayson pulls from over 40 years of experience - from being homeless to being one of the most sought-after entrepreneurial motivational speakers in the wellness, finance and sports industries. He is the author of two books - The Game Matters and Dad’s Unfinished Business.
“Coach Grayson” has been a six figure earner in the network marketing industry for more than one company and currently serves as a Presidential founder and Advisory Council President for WowGreen. Grayson believes the Monitium platform fully exemplifies the approach to empower and educate the masses for an opportunity to shift a paradigm.
We are very privileged to have Grayson as a member of our Advisory Board, and look forward to his contributions as Monitium transforms the Network Marketing industry for the Next Millennium.
Mary Lou Venable & Elaine Venable Stapleton
Mary Lou Venable
Mary Lou is a true LEGEND within the MLM world, and her leadership is felt globally. Mary Lou shattered the glass ceiling that existed in the early days of MLM, and she has paved a pioneering course for others to follow. Her attitude and approach to business is captured in this quote:
"The most important part of any business is to treat it like a business. A person can enjoy large returns even if the investment is small. One must remember that the seeds you sow will eventually grow into a success. If a person works it a little, then a little might be earned in return. If a person works diligently at the business, it will flourish."
Indeed Mary Lou's early conventional business ventures flourished, as she and her family owned and operated a high-end men's clothing store, with stores in four (4) states in the U.S.. It was during the early years of the clothing business that Mary Lou was introduced to a networking company called A.L Williams. It was during this time that she became licensed in Life, Health and Investments with Series 7, Series 63, and Series 6.
Thanks to her experiences with A.L. Williams, and later in working with NuSkin International and Rexall Showcase International, Mary Lou gained tremendous insight into the world of networking industry both as a distributor, and from inside company board rooms.
Here's a quick glimpse into Mary Lou's significant accomplishments within our industry: At Rexall, Mary Lou became the first woman to achieve the 10-Star Presidential Director, as well as shattering the "glass ceiling" within the company by becoming the first woman to serve on Rexall's Advisory Board. In addition to her leadership roles at NuSkin and Rexall, Mary Lou's MLM career has success story after success story. Her wealth of leadership experience as a top industry trainer, Master Distributor, and Presidential Advisory Board member for some of the most successful MLM companies in history will certainly be a huge asset to our Monitium Associates!
Elaine Venable Stapleton
Elaine always had a business state of mind, and her most rewarding experience is being in a business environment. She studied business at the University of Tennessee and Lincoln Memorial University. At the age of 16, Elaine acquired an amazing work ethic by working alongside her mother Mary Lou and her father Jerry in family business. She then went on to own and operate Elaine's Bridal and Formal Boutique by the age of 18. With a strong sales background, she oversaw all avenues of the business. She learned to create and nurture relationships with her clients and associates, both externally and internally, and become a strong problem solver.
Elaine has followed in her mother's footsteps, becoming incredibly successful in the Network Marketing industry and serving as a Master Distributor with a successful MLM company. Elaine, along with her mother, Mary Lou, look forward to the opportunity of being a part of Monitium's global expansion that will benefit every serious Network Marketer world-wide.
Besides working in the Network Marketing industry, Elaine enjoys helping others. She participates in many charitable organizations, such as March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society, and the Claiborne County Chapter. Elaine held a variety of fundraisers for company projects at Clayton homes, and she was a member on the Board of Directors at the All Saints Episcopal School in Morristown, TN.
Elaine and Mary Lou have great plans for Monitium and will also be serving on the leadership team of Monitium's Network of Woman. Monitium will gain enormously from their business wisdom and servant leadership philosophy.
With leaders of this caliber embracing the vision of Monitium, there is no doubt that we are poised to change the MLM industry!
Andries Johannesen (also affectionately known as "AJ" by his friends & colleagues), was born in the Netherlands and moved to Australia at the age of 12 with his family.
AJ's involvement in the profession of Network Marketing spans more than two decades. Like many others, he first was introduced to Amway and the circles some 30 years ago, but at that time he felt that the industry was not really appropriate for a successful entrepreneur in investment banking. Then, after some serious life challenges, AJ trained and consulted in personal development and promoted speakers like James Rohn and Robert Kiyosaki. It was then that the concepts of "leverage" and "empowerment" really hit home, and Andries' passion and commitment to the profession grew rapidly. Within a short time, AJ achieved success and financial freedom with MLM, far away from the traditional career track he had previously been on.
AJ has reached the highest rank in numerous companies with various products, including health supplements, jewelry, gold coins and telecommunications. He has built substantial global businesses with nearly every MLM compensation plan: Binary, Matrix, Breakaway, Unilevel, Party Plan and Hybrid. For AJ, it's really about the people and bringing out their best through mentoring and coaching while empowering them to fulfill their life's purpose. He is considered by his peers to be a working leader, one that represents the industry with integrity and a higher purpose, working tirelessly to benefit all that are involved in this wonderful thing we call Network Marketing!
Andries is on the short list of who to call when a U.S. company is interested in expanding into Europe, Asia and Australia. He has also made a major difference in thousands of people's lives by running the "You were Born Rich " workshop for companies and distributors. AJ is an active international member with the Distributor Rights Association (now The Association of Network Marketing Professionals).
Monitium will be depending on AJ's expertise to help ensure that our Affiliated MLM companies open quickly in as many international countries as possible!
Chris Cucchiara has been a dedicated entrepreneur for thirty years, a former world-class bodybuilder, and a recognized seasoned professional in both the fitness and Network Marketing industries. He coaches and mentors people in the areas of human and business development, leadership, and lifestyle management.
At the age of 21 Chris opened up the California Gym, which went on to become the most successful bodybuilding gym in Northern California. He grew his gym business from zero to over $1 million a year. Chris retired from the gym business in 1995 to become involved in Network Marketing. Because of his burning desire to succeed, he became one of the fastest growing distributors and income earners in his first company. Today, he comes to Monitium as a nationally recognized leader, having built large organizations and reaching the top pay plan in multiple companies. Through his mind-fit teaching philosophy, he has enjoyed seeing thousands of people reach entirely new levels of personal satisfaction, growth, and financial success.
Chris has been featured in both Success and Your Business at Home Magazines. He is also the author of LESSONS FROM THE GYM - Finding Purpose and Profit through Network Marketing, and the forthcoming book series LESSONS FROM THE GYM for Young Adults - 5 Secrets to Gaining Control of Your Life, and LESSONS FROM THE GYM - Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset.
It's an honor to have a recognized MLM leader like Chris as part of our Advisory board.
Stay Tuned for introductions to more Advisory Board Members in the coming days...
Monitium is growing very quickly, so take advantage of the time you have RIGHT NOW !
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
You can always find an updated webinar schedule on my blog..
To your massive success,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monitium Network Of Women | What The Women In The Industry Need To Know
“A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.” Marge Piercy, American novelist
Tonight was a very significant night for the women in this wonderful Industry. It marked the first "live" conference call for... "MNOW -- Monitium's Network of Women"
Women for the first time will have a global community to impact this industry and the world.
Women will be able to pursue their passions and build their wealth.
There are so many passionate and purposeful Women and YOU have the opportunity to build this community and represent Women and provide a home for the women of the Network Marketing Industry and live to their highest potential and calling.
The Monitium Management team has given us the opportunity to impact millions of women and you are here at the BEGINNING.
For Treasure Milinovich, the Founder of MNOW...it was the only other option for building another team in this industry. She had already built 3 previous teams and did not want to continue building yet another team, which you are ultimately building for someone else and it can be taken away.
"You are sacrificing time with yourself and your family, to build a business that will create the dream of FREEDOM. But, the truth of the industry is that no one is living that dream."
Women are loyal to a company, the product, their team.. but, what you must ultimately look at is why you are working so hard and who are you being loyal to.
Why are each of us doing this?
Remember the dream….why did you get started in the first place?
Working for one company, are you setting your people up for their success?
This Monitium platform provides the very best chance for this freedom that we all deserve and desire.
There is no other platform that can do this.
You can build this business for you, your children and your grandchildren.
The Women of this industry are looking to build more than just a network marketing business.
Women Are A Force To Be Reckoned With In The Industry...
So What Are We Doing About That ?
Monitium offers you access to some of the finest marketing systems available today. And if that wasn't enough, the MNOW (Monitium's Network of Women), has been conceived just for women.
We are talking total women's empowerment here, combined with cutting edge business teachings. If you're a guy reading this, you might be wondering why we have a special section for ladies only.
That's easy to explain. Today, women are quickly becoming the fastest growing segment within the home based industry and they make (or have significant influence), on 85% of the decisions involving finances within the majority of the world's population bases.
Women deserve to be recognized for what they are, an economic powerhouse which is taking the network marketing industry by storm.
Did you know that women now make up 7 out of every 10 new home based entrepreneurs?
Find out More about the Monitium Network of Women...
For so long, Women tried to or felt like they had to become like men to become successful…. More hardened to get in the boardroom. Women now realize that it is OK and very POWERFUL to be a women and tap into the feminine energy and be a women while growing your business. It is about tapping into that collective feminine energy and supporting each other as we grow versus looking at it as a competition.
Most times, women have competed with each other…. Who looks better, sounds better, is more successful and there was a wall in Women’s Groups.
Women can come together and if we do come together in a nuturing, supportive and loving way, we can go beyond what we have ever done to help other women. Women who have found their voice, their purpose it is their responsibility to give to other women and men that support and power to help them find their voice and passion.
If you can empower, heal a women you can change the world, state, country, family, etc. Women have so much more to offer.
Women have different desires, needs, different things that bring us together as a community that is different. By creating this network, a safe place to learn from other women who have found their voice, passion and purpose.
Research is big on Women’s Empowerment Communities. It is found on certain teams. There are many women within a company that are developing within their own companies, teams, structures but, they are limited by the company, product and by coming into the Monitium Platform, grasping what we are doing and utilitizing our product which is the COMMUNITY, we open ourselves up to taking on the world.
Do you want to do something really big ?
Do you want to impact a lot of people ?
To do this we must open up our mind, our hearts and find other like-minded people.
Become a part of this incredible movement NOW!
There will be a Monitium Network Of Women call every Monday evening.
Do you want to be empowered, enlightened, uplifted and inspired ?
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Tonight was a very significant night for the women in this wonderful Industry. It marked the first "live" conference call for... "MNOW -- Monitium's Network of Women"
Women for the first time will have a global community to impact this industry and the world.
Women will be able to pursue their passions and build their wealth.
There are so many passionate and purposeful Women and YOU have the opportunity to build this community and represent Women and provide a home for the women of the Network Marketing Industry and live to their highest potential and calling.
The Monitium Management team has given us the opportunity to impact millions of women and you are here at the BEGINNING.
For Treasure Milinovich, the Founder of MNOW...it was the only other option for building another team in this industry. She had already built 3 previous teams and did not want to continue building yet another team, which you are ultimately building for someone else and it can be taken away.
"You are sacrificing time with yourself and your family, to build a business that will create the dream of FREEDOM. But, the truth of the industry is that no one is living that dream."
Women are loyal to a company, the product, their team.. but, what you must ultimately look at is why you are working so hard and who are you being loyal to.
Why are each of us doing this?
Remember the dream….why did you get started in the first place?
Working for one company, are you setting your people up for their success?
This Monitium platform provides the very best chance for this freedom that we all deserve and desire.
There is no other platform that can do this.
You can build this business for you, your children and your grandchildren.
The Women of this industry are looking to build more than just a network marketing business.
Women Are A Force To Be Reckoned With In The Industry...
So What Are We Doing About That ?
Monitium offers you access to some of the finest marketing systems available today. And if that wasn't enough, the MNOW (Monitium's Network of Women), has been conceived just for women.
We are talking total women's empowerment here, combined with cutting edge business teachings. If you're a guy reading this, you might be wondering why we have a special section for ladies only.
That's easy to explain. Today, women are quickly becoming the fastest growing segment within the home based industry and they make (or have significant influence), on 85% of the decisions involving finances within the majority of the world's population bases.
Women deserve to be recognized for what they are, an economic powerhouse which is taking the network marketing industry by storm.
Did you know that women now make up 7 out of every 10 new home based entrepreneurs?
Find out More about the Monitium Network of Women...
- We will be coming from a deep place of heart. It is the desire to bring the women to be more, have more and do more by bringing harmony to their lives.
- The Monitium Women’s Network will be bringing experts in the area of body, mind & spirit to give women a safe place to grow and share your unique gifts and talent to the world.
- As Members, we will build stability in our financial lives and then give our energy to making this planet a better place.
- Treasure can say with all of her heart that this platform and community will give women a chance to live a free life to teach, share and be who you are suppose to be.
- All women coming to this platform will uncover their voice and their platform to teach.
- The Monitium Women’s Network will be bringing experts in the area of body, mind & spirit to give women a safe place to grow and share your unique gifts and talent to the world.
For so long, Women tried to or felt like they had to become like men to become successful…. More hardened to get in the boardroom. Women now realize that it is OK and very POWERFUL to be a women and tap into the feminine energy and be a women while growing your business. It is about tapping into that collective feminine energy and supporting each other as we grow versus looking at it as a competition.
Most times, women have competed with each other…. Who looks better, sounds better, is more successful and there was a wall in Women’s Groups.
Women can come together and if we do come together in a nuturing, supportive and loving way, we can go beyond what we have ever done to help other women. Women who have found their voice, their purpose it is their responsibility to give to other women and men that support and power to help them find their voice and passion.
If you can empower, heal a women you can change the world, state, country, family, etc. Women have so much more to offer.
Women have different desires, needs, different things that bring us together as a community that is different. By creating this network, a safe place to learn from other women who have found their voice, passion and purpose.
Research is big on Women’s Empowerment Communities. It is found on certain teams. There are many women within a company that are developing within their own companies, teams, structures but, they are limited by the company, product and by coming into the Monitium Platform, grasping what we are doing and utilitizing our product which is the COMMUNITY, we open ourselves up to taking on the world.
Do you want to do something really big ?
Do you want to impact a lot of people ?
To do this we must open up our mind, our hearts and find other like-minded people.
Become a part of this incredible movement NOW!
There will be a Monitium Network Of Women call every Monday evening.
Do you want to be empowered, enlightened, uplifted and inspired ?
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Monitium's Network of Women....First Conference Call
MNOW - Monitium's Network of Women
Monday, October 4, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
Please join us for the "live" conference call... "MNOW -- Monitium's Network of Women"
Join Treasure Milinovich as she unveils the vision for Monitium's exclusive women's leadership and empowerment community: The Network of Women...
...and Bring Your Questions!
Treasure will share exactly how you can start to spread the message of The Network of Women and why this community will be beneficial -- not only for your own growth and personal branding as a leader, but also for building your Monitium business.
You will hear from several top female leaders as they share why they are passionate about The Network of Women and how we can all come together to build the largest community of like-minded entrepreneurial women ever created.
Learn how to make The Network of Women a central focus for building your business and what you can do to assist in the building of MNOW as a powerful, unified tribe. The ladies have a unique opportunity to finally make a lasting impact on this industry as a collective voice, and you are one of the first on board!
This call is audio only. Once you register for this event, you will be given a call-in number, or you may also listen with VOIP if you log in as if attending a webinar.
Here are the details for our call:
DATE: Monday, October 4, 2010 (USA)
TIME: USA: 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific
London, England: 10/5* 2am
Sydney, Australia: 10/5* 12pm
Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!
"Live" Monitium Momentum Webcast Presentation
"I am so excited about Monitium's, "Network of Women" and everything that this platform of empowerment offers to ALL women, within the direct sales industry and beyond!"
- Lisa Kitter, Empower You Now Publishing
"I have had the privilege of being business partners with Treasure and building a large, successful team. Treasure is an amazing leader, savvy business women and extremely talented in so many areas; she has a magnetic presence and a special way of empowering and inspiring others to tap into their own personal power. I know my life is brighter because of knowing Treasure."
- Michele Rogers
"I just wanted to say that I'm so incredibly impressed with the caliber of people getting involved, as well as training. So many times we have joined companies just to be left out in the dark to fend for ourselves in training, etc. This is so reassuring that we are going to be given so many great tools to do our business and the people to back it up! Thanks so much, I'm so appreciative to everyone!"
- Joani Skaare
We look forward to seeing you there!
To your success,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Do You Really Need ALL Those Programs ? | Monitium Success System
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." ~ Jim Rohn
It seems as though EVERY 20 minutes or so I hear from another online friend about this new program or that new program.
They say things like, "get in FAST, I'm #4 or I'm #15"
Then, the next day, the same friends are promoting something new.
Then, they have to contact ALL those same people again to see if they want to join the "new program"... it seems as though their time could be spent in a more productive way.
Plus, when you promote sooooo... many programs, not only do you lose FOCUS, but people are going to ask, "WHY are you jumping around so much, isn't anything working?
Throw enough programs at the wall and see what sticks...
Please, do yourself a favor and pick ONE company and give it your BEST shot and FOCUS or pick one or two Affiliate programs and do the same thing. Especially, if you are building your business part-time online.
Every time you JUMP from one Company to another or one program to another, you are adding to the attrition that we already face in the Industry. Always looking for the NEXT BIG THING...
Believe me, I LOVE Multiple streams of income just as much as the next guy or gal... But, there is a MUCH better way to accomplish that and leverage your time while doing so.
You say, " I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket" ... Well, you don't have to...BUT, BUILD your multiple streams of income in a way that will give you the best chance for SUCCESS!
You NEED to take a look at Monitium...
What is Monitium you ask?
Let's first start off by telling you what we're not. Most importantly, we're not an MLM company, nor do we compete with any MLM company.
Monitium was created to protect the financial assets of professional network marketers, as well as, offering unmatched universal industry training and support.
Monitium's extremely proud to recognize and offer the woman entrepreneur around the globe, a Women's Business and Personal Development section for our lady Associates. "MNOW", Monitium's Network of Women was built by women for women and is unmatched in the industry!
Monitium is here to support both the established network marketer with a team of thousands, as well as, the brand new person just starting out.
Monitium was designed to give network marketing professional's control over their most important asset...their genealogy!
The only way to increase your current MLM income is to increase the size of your team in any given company, which takes a lot of effort. The concept of a single product from a single company was "best practice" up until now.
You'll only be representing one company, Monitium.
Both you and your team will only be recruiting into your Monitium business through your Monitium business building website. You and your team will never need to recruit into a portfolio company directly, so you'll never need to talk, or worry about who has the best compensation plan, vitamin, lotion, juice, weight loss product, etc... which is what most new network marketers struggle with.
Instead, you'll now be able to show your prospect a unique MLM wealth building system, with a complete stand alone platform that partners with the best MLM companies in the industry to create an unmatched opportunity.
Instead of finding a company and then struggling to build your team (which is what 99% of people do currently and thus fail), we first help you build your team within Monitium's stand alone genealogy platform, where our team of experts educate and train you and your team for success.
Would you like more information OR to get started with this Innovative, Unique, Industry Changing, Paradigm Shifting, History Making Movement NOW ?
This is a MAJOR GAME changer in the networking world. We are doing a LEADER pre-align right now. This 27 minute VIDEO is best described as "ABOUT TIME"
Please join us for one of our daily webinars and hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future.
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Welcome To Monitium - The Next Millennium.
Are you a visionary ?
Are you ready to take a leap of faith ?
Don't over-analyze this...seeing IS believing!
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
It seems as though EVERY 20 minutes or so I hear from another online friend about this new program or that new program.
They say things like, "get in FAST, I'm #4 or I'm #15"
Then, the next day, the same friends are promoting something new.
Then, they have to contact ALL those same people again to see if they want to join the "new program"... it seems as though their time could be spent in a more productive way.
Plus, when you promote sooooo... many programs, not only do you lose FOCUS, but people are going to ask, "WHY are you jumping around so much, isn't anything working?
Throw enough programs at the wall and see what sticks...
Please, do yourself a favor and pick ONE company and give it your BEST shot and FOCUS or pick one or two Affiliate programs and do the same thing. Especially, if you are building your business part-time online.
Every time you JUMP from one Company to another or one program to another, you are adding to the attrition that we already face in the Industry. Always looking for the NEXT BIG THING...
Believe me, I LOVE Multiple streams of income just as much as the next guy or gal... But, there is a MUCH better way to accomplish that and leverage your time while doing so.
You say, " I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket" ... Well, you don't have to...BUT, BUILD your multiple streams of income in a way that will give you the best chance for SUCCESS!
You NEED to take a look at Monitium...
What is Monitium you ask?
Let's first start off by telling you what we're not. Most importantly, we're not an MLM company, nor do we compete with any MLM company.
Monitium was created to protect the financial assets of professional network marketers, as well as, offering unmatched universal industry training and support.
Monitium's extremely proud to recognize and offer the woman entrepreneur around the globe, a Women's Business and Personal Development section for our lady Associates. "MNOW", Monitium's Network of Women was built by women for women and is unmatched in the industry!
Monitium is here to support both the established network marketer with a team of thousands, as well as, the brand new person just starting out.
Monitium was designed to give network marketing professional's control over their most important asset...their genealogy!
The only way to increase your current MLM income is to increase the size of your team in any given company, which takes a lot of effort. The concept of a single product from a single company was "best practice" up until now.
You'll only be representing one company, Monitium.
Both you and your team will only be recruiting into your Monitium business through your Monitium business building website. You and your team will never need to recruit into a portfolio company directly, so you'll never need to talk, or worry about who has the best compensation plan, vitamin, lotion, juice, weight loss product, etc... which is what most new network marketers struggle with.
Instead, you'll now be able to show your prospect a unique MLM wealth building system, with a complete stand alone platform that partners with the best MLM companies in the industry to create an unmatched opportunity.
Instead of finding a company and then struggling to build your team (which is what 99% of people do currently and thus fail), we first help you build your team within Monitium's stand alone genealogy platform, where our team of experts educate and train you and your team for success.
Would you like more information OR to get started with this Innovative, Unique, Industry Changing, Paradigm Shifting, History Making Movement NOW ?
This is a MAJOR GAME changer in the networking world. We are doing a LEADER pre-align right now. This 27 minute VIDEO is best described as "ABOUT TIME"
Please join us for one of our daily webinars and hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future.
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Welcome To Monitium - The Next Millennium.
Are you a visionary ?
Are you ready to take a leap of faith ?
Don't over-analyze this...seeing IS believing!
Become a part of History Today...
To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Friday, October 1, 2010
How Will Monitium Help The Experienced Marketer?
Since you've clicked on the "Experienced in MLM" link, we're going to presume that you fall into one of the following 4 categories:
- Believes in the industry, has worked at least one MLM company with no significant success
- Believes in the industry, has worked at least one MLM company, made a little money, but hasn't yet created a stable residual income
- Believes in the industry, has worked in multiple companies with some financial success
- Believes in the industry, has worked multiple companies and has created a good residual income
Some factors out of your control are attrition, compensation plan changes, product delivery challenges, price point of your product, and other corporate issues of the company. These days you might even feel like your MLM business requires more attention than your job once did!
If this is your current reality, don't feel bad as you're certainly not alone. The vast majority of low to mid level MLM earners are experiencing the same challenges and they're most certainly feeling stressed as the future of their residual checks have become more and more uncertain. Most are scrambling, trying to increase sponsorship on their teams by running promotions, or trying the latest & greatest online recruiting miracle.
Here at Monitium, we believe it's time for you to rethink the equation!
The truth is, THE ECONOMY HAS CHANGED, which has also changed the methodology that you need to follow in your MLM business plan if you want to earn real money in the future. If your upline leader has told you that what worked in the past will work now, or in the future, then they're sadly mistaken. Whether intentionally or not, they’re simply not current with the state of the MLM industry and they're setting you up for an endless cycle of work. Hey, wasn't building an MLM business suppose to be a 3 to 5 year plan and then you retire on a residual income? You can most likely forget that plan if you’re following the same old MLM building system that your company recommends.
Whether you realize it or not, current MLM industry polling confirms that more than 65% of network marketers are actively participating in up to Three MLM companies at the same time. Like it or not this is an industry wide statistic, so these numbers are real for your team as well. Since nearly 3/4's of your team members are already engaged in multiple streams of income, you can either steer that process through Monitium's proprietary platform, or stand back, do nothing and lose control of your team over time. The choice Is yours to make, but if you choose to act, you can protect your team, plus position yourself and them to profit in a big way!
In order to reduce your risk and maximize your gains in the MLM industry today, you must change your business plan, that's a given. The network marketer's who will prosper significantly over the coming years and have the highest odds of joining the elusive MLM Millionaires Club, are those individuals who recognize that flexibility and decentralization of financial risk, now go hand in hand with an intelligent MLM business strategy.
We're going to assume 4 things about you right now:
- You're willing to change your current old school MLM business plan
- You're ready to follow the Monitium business philosophy, which will catapult you into Monitium’s Millionaires Club (MMC).
- You're serious about seeing a significant change in your lifestyle in the next 6 to 12 months.
- You're a leader in the making and you're prepared to do whatever it takes to succeed and build a massive team.
As you build your team within your Monitium genealogy platform and those new team members enroll into your selected portfolio companies, your income will continue to grow exponentially. Imagine once your team is 1,000 Associates in size and they're actively engaged in 4 or 5 of your Monitium portfolio companies, now you’re knocking down a "stable" CEO level yearly income! And at an extremely monthly overhead, there’s no real financial barrier to joining, which means high conversion numbers and quickly growing teams!
On top of income, stability and security, Monitium also offers you access to the finest marketing systems available today. And if that wasn't enough, the MNOW (Monitiums Network of Women), has been conceived just for women. We are talking total women's empowerment here, combined with cutting edge business teachings.
If you're a guy reading this, you might be wondering why we have a special section for ladies only. That’s easy to explain. Today, women are quickly becoming the fastest growing segment within the home based industry and they make (or have significant influence), over 85% of the decisions involving finances within the majority of the world's population bases. Women deserve to be recognized for what they are, an economic powerhouse which is taking the network marketing industry by storm.
Did you know that women now make up 7 out of every 10 new home based entrepreneurs?
We strongly recommend that you secure your position within Monitium's permanent Binary genealogy, as our global platform is quickly attracting the attention of every major MLM builder, which will allow you to reap the extraordinary benefits of spillover on a global scale.
Welcome To Monitium - The Next Millennium.
Ready to JOIN the MOVEMENT..
Please contact me..
Skype: healthysuccess
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