Watch The Videos

Finally, What The Network Marketing Industry Has Been Waiting For!

Video #1.. The next 10 minutes can Change Your Destiny.

Video #2..Or you can keep going down the same street and falling in the same holes.

Video #3.. Listen to Founder Treasure Milinovich give a brief overview of the vision for the Monitium Network of Women

Video #4.. Jim Bellacera talks about what type of questions the leaders in the MLM industry are asking before joining Monitium

Video #5.. Jim Bellacera talks about the type of tools that Monitium provides to help both online and offline

Video #6.. Jim Bellacera talks about the what kind of earnings are possible through Monitium

Video #7.. Jim Bellacera talks to those who have some Experience in the MLM Industry

Video #8.. Jim Bellacera talks to those who are Leaders in the MLM Industry

Video #9.. Jim Bellacera explains to someone new to the MLM Industry and Why Monitium

Video #10... Jim Bellacera talks about the type of Team Support offered in Monitium and how it will improve your success in the MLM industry

Video #11.. Jim Bellacera talks about how does Monitium select MLM companies to make sure they have the best possible relationships

Video #12...  Jim Bellacera talks about... do you have to leave your current MLM Company? 

Video #13.. My Friend and Business Partner Joe Kronk Shows an Overview of the Paradigm Shift in the MLM Industry ~ MONITIUM