Well, my story is probably one that you have heard before. You may have travelled a similar path, yourself.
I got involved in Network Marketing for the first time many years ago with Amway. This was at a time when things weren't quite so automated. So, everything had to be done the hard way, including product distribution to your downline. Everything was quite labor intensive and time consuming and you were not able to leverage your time with systems.
I never had difficulty prospecting, recruiting and sponsoring distributors into my business, but it was always difficult to find people that would be willing to do the work. So, I decided that this wasn't for me.
Well, about 5 years ago I decided to take advantage of the power of the Internet and opened an e-commerce site selling licensed team sports watches. Since sports was always a passion, I figured..why not. The business was growing, so I decided that it was time to expand my reach and get back into Network Marketing.
I was introduced to a great Company that was founded by Robert G. Allen, "Mr. Multiple Streams Of Income" himself and Richard Paul Evans, best selling author and wealth builder.
I figured, how could this miss!! I was always passionate about books and continuous learning, so it was a perfect fit and I was able to build a growing team, even appearing on the leaderboard several times.
But, then the Company changed their business model and eventually closed the doors. But, not before arranging for all Associates to join another new company in the Personal Development Industry. You may have heard of iLearningGlobal.
What a platform, what a concept, what leadership from the helm. My goodness, Brian Tracy was the Chief Learning Officer. This has to be the one. Unfortunately, most of my downline didn't share my enthusiasm and decided to leave for other opportunities.
But, I decided to make the move, FOCUS on this opportunity and make it work. After all, I am passionate about Continuous Learning. I even started my own Continuous Learning Social Community, where I was attracting a number of experts in the field.
But, now I would have to start building my team AGAIN. But, that's OK, because this business was solid and would be my future where I could build my residual income and then branch out to other streams of income.
The team was building nicely and I even decided to pursue an opportunity in the Health and Wellness Industry, where I had to start to develop yet another team and learn another product line and compensation plan.Of course, this all had to be explained to prospects. But, that was starting to grow, as well.
Well, as many of you probably know, iLearningGlobal closed their doors earlier this year and many Associates, not only lost BIG checks, but their downline.
Now, some BIG Leaders already have an exit strategy and can move seemlessly from one company to another and not miss a beat.
But, if you are new to the Industry or even a mid level builder, you probably won't be so lucky.
So, now it is time to find another MLM Company to replace that one. Oh, did I mention that my Health and Wellness also decided to close down their MLM.
Well, that is not exactly how I had planned things. Maybe, I should have conducted my due diligence in a more comprehensive manner. There certainly has to be a better way!!
Sadly, I am not the only one that has had this type of experience. I am in the majority of Marketers who have spent time and effort to build an organization, only to have it taken away for a variety of reasons.
Your Reality Check:
If you've spent any time in network marketing, chances are you've engaged in several opportunities. You may still think you actually own your MLM business, but think again, your most valuable asset is controlled by the ownership of your MLM company. At any point, because of their policies and procedures you signed, access to your most valuable asset can be taken away from you with no prior notice. MLM company owners have been able to look at their distributors as 1099 "quasi-employees" that they can "suspend or terminate" if desired, rather than as independent business owners.
Consider for a moment just a few of the reasons why so many Network Marketers want income from multiple MLM sources. For starters, far too often network marketers have been left out in the cold, when their MLM company closed its doors unexpectedly, changed the comp plan (too many companies to list here), or even decided to sell the company and cash out (Again, too many companies to list).
Case in point:
Recently the industry watched in shock as one of the oldest and largest MLM companies in the world who specialized in skin care products filed for bankruptcy. They then followed their bankruptcy announcement with the termination of more than 150 of their top income earners. While this is not typical conduct amongst MLM companies within the industry, it none the less demonstrates how quickly your check can be taken away.
Well, fast forward to September of 2010...
I have been very fortunate in many ways due to this incredible Industry. I have been able to find some incredible Mentors and have made friends and become business partners with many wonderful people in the Industry that I know will be in my life, always.
Recently, one of those friends introduced me to a concept that many have stated will change the Industry and will be a SOLUTION to the attrition that we have ALL encountered.
Now, is this just one more hyped up promise of the next best thing?
Well, after conducting my due diligence and speaking to Leaders in the Company and jumping on several webinars, I am thrilled to finally be able to say..."YES, this IS the answer"
This is a genuine paradigm shift that EVERY Network Marketer, from Newbie to seasoned Professional needs to look at..
It is finally, ALL about the TEAM. How many times have YOU had to start over and build a new team ?
Plus, every time you jump into a new Company, you have to learn about the product line, the compensation plan, the company, etc.
Well, this MOVEMENT...this new PLATFORM is going to change all that.
Do you want to pursue multiple streams of income and NEVER have to worry about all those other concerns?
Do you want to enter into a business opportunity with a team ALREADY in place, so you EARN income from day number 1?
Do you want that income to grow exponentially as you enter into additional business opportunities ?
The ONLY thing you have to do is FOCUS on your TEAM, which is YOUR most valuable asset.
If you are tired of the attrition in the Industry and having your most valuable asset jumping from your team to another business or just becoming too distracted to focus on your business, then you owe it to yourself to take a look at Monitium!!
Do you want to protect your geneology ? Now, you can.
Do you want to build your wealth with multiple streams of income and NOT lose focus ?
I'm very thankful that I was introduced to Monitium and I would love to do the same for you.
This WILL make a difference.
This is a MAJOR GAME changer in the networking world. We are doing a
LEADER pre-align right now. This 27 minute VIDEO is best described as "
ABOUT TIME" http://monitium.com/popups/VIP.aspx
You owe it to yourself as a Marketer to clear off your schedule for about an
hour and go to http://www.monitium.com/ and watch the presentation video,
listen to the audios by the leaders and read the PDF Documents on what is
happening here.
Please join us for one of our daily webinars and hear why Monitium is the
most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry,
and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future.
You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me
for the next available webinar..
If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just
message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call
you directly.
Serious Inquiries Only. Please respect my time as our team has been given
given the first right to get in this Pre-alignment phase!
THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.
Welcome To Monitium - The Next Millennium.
Ready to JOIN the MOVEMENT..
To your Home Based Business success,Ready to JOIN the MOVEMENT..
(973) 879-1627
Skype: healthysuccess
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