Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why You Need Monitium Now | Monitium Success System

"We all have two choices:We can make a living or we can design a life."
~ Jim Rohn

I’m sure some of you are thinking, “Why do I need Monitium now?”  Well, let me share some thoughts that will answer that question for you.

The # 1 profession that people are turning to worldwide during this economic downturn is Network Marketing and they're doing so in record breaking numbers. In the United States alone nearly 175,000 people per week are joining the industry and are responsible for over $30 Billion in yearly sales.

Worldwide the number is even more staggering with countries like Japan, S. Korea, United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, India, Canada, Italy, Germany and Australia (plus many more), weighing in with another $84 Billion in yearly sales.

Over the past 60 plus years the Network Marketing industry has gone through several significant stages of evolution. The first stage was skepticism, which was then followed by legal challenges that claimed Franchises and MLM companies alike weren't legal. After being officially recognized as a legitimate business model through several court cases (most notable being the 1975 FTC action against Amway), MLM companies began to rapidly emerge and grow throughout the late 70s and 80's. Next came intensive competition between the different companies, which led to the creation of numerous new MLM pay plans (Unilevel, Matrix and Binary / Unilevel Hybrids, etc.) which are all still in use today.

The latest stage of evolution within the industry is truly a paradigm shift and over 65% (expected to increase to over 90% by 2012), of network marketers have already embraced it and are permanently changing their business strategies accordingly. This paradigm shift within the industry has occurred because of a now well recognized business philosophy called "multiple streams of income". This business philosophy has been crystallized in the minds of home based business entrepreneurs over the last seven years by such noted authors as Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and Robert Allen. Because of this new business philosophy it's now common to see most network marketers being actively involved in three or more non-competing MLM companies simultaneously (example: travel, nutrition, skin care, energy, etc).

Gone are the days of income tunnel vision or cult like behavior following only one company's directives. Its abundantly clear that network marketers have come to understand that there's no reason for them to be restricted to only one source of income, and one company's products, in a world driven by the internet and filled with tough product competition.

Your Reality Check: 

If you've spent any time in network marketing, chances are you've engaged in several opportunities. You may still think you actually own your MLM business, but think again, your most valuable asset is controlled by the ownership of your MLM company. At any point, because of their policies and procedures you signed, access to your most valuable asset can be taken away from you with no prior notice. Hard to believe? It shouldnt be, especially since it happens far too often. Is this fair or right? Of course not, but the independent distributor has had no choice but to play by the MLM companies one-sided rule book for 60 plus years. MLM company owners have been able to look at their distributors as 1099 "quasi-employees" that they can "suspend or terminate" if desired, rather than as independent business owners.

Consider for a moment just a few of the reasons why so many Network Marketers want income from multiple MLM sources. For starters, far too often network marketers have been left out in the cold, when their MLM company closed its doors unexpectedly, changed the comp plan (to many companies to list here), or even decided to sell the company and cash out (Again, to many companies to list).

Case in point:

Recently the industry watched in shock as one of the oldest and largest MLM companies in the world who specialized in skin care products filed for bankruptcy. They then followed their bankruptcy announcement with the termination of more than 150 of their top income earners. While this is not typical conduct amongst MLM companies within the industry, it none the less demonstrates how quickly your check can be taken away.

Keeping the above paragraph in mind, here's an important question for you to answer: 
  • What is your most valuable business asset? Besides YOU, I'm sure you'd agree that its your TEAM of course, right? 
  • Who do you think controls your most valuable asset, you or your MLM company? You probably guessed it, in the existing industry model the MLM company does! 
  • If you leave the company for any number of reasons (voluntary or involuntary), do you think they'll print off a full copy of your genealogy for you? No way But wait, wasn't this your business? 
Is there a better way to give both YOU (the distributor), and the MLM company a more harmonious and fair relationship, which would allow us to create a Win/Win for everyone?

We know there is and it's found within the world of Monitium. 

Welcome To Monitium - The Next Millennium. 

Ready to JOIN the MOVEMENT..

Please contact me..
Skype: healthysuccess

Are You Struggling In Network Marketing ? | What Are You Going To Do About It ? | The Monitium Solution

As a new network marketer, you've most likely already pondered this question: Why are people skeptical about network marketing?

It's really very easy to understand since they’ve seen a lot of their acquaintances try it and few, if any have ever succeeded in making money. You need to understand that making real money in the MLM industry by working it the old fashioned way is hard...not impossible, but definitely hard and takes time, patience and a lot of personal resolve.

We've all heard of people spending tens of thousands of dollars to attend conventions and trainings sponsored by their respective MLM company in an attempt to become successful. However they still never discover a system that will allow them to start making real money.

Sadly, after 12 to 24 months of losing money, combined with mounting frustration, most people give up on their dreams and stop trying to build an MLM business because they think it's simply too difficult. Monitium’s process attempts to insure that this won't happen to you by keeping your costs low and by enabling your residual income to grow quickly. We accomplish this by putting our Associates 1st and the MLM companies 2nd.Our goal is to have our Associates in a positive cash flow within 30 days.

Even the power of the internet hasn't helped the masses win at the MLM wealth creation game. In fact, the internet has created a frenzy of MLM hoppers,which has created chaos in the industry.

But, NOW there is a solution for attrition in the Industry...Monitium !

Here's another important fact that you need to understand about our industry. All MLM companies proclaim to be the best (best compensation plan, best product, etc...). You first need to realize that the "best company" may not exist. There are simply above average, good and not so good companies to choose from, so don't fall in love with any one company!!!

You need to remember that you alone and not one particular MLM company must remain the focus here. You are the real product that's being sold here, which is then followed by the MLM companies' product. Many new MLM Home Based Entrepreneurs get this backwards and lose their own identity as a business owner because they're too busy promoting a particular MLM company or product. Monitiumhelps ensure that this won't happen to you by teaching you to brand / promote yourself and diversify your MLM portfolio, so you maximize YOUR earnings, not the MLM companies' earnings!

Have you considered how difficult it is to pick a good MLM company?

You might be unpleasantly surprised at just how hard it can be, especially since there are over 4,500 MLM company’s currently operating (plus nearly 20 new ones launching each month). With this in mind, how can a person whose unfamiliar with the MLM industry possibly know which company to select, or is it just timing or luck?

Who has the better compensation plan, product or training materials?
Which company will be in business 5 years from now?

These are serious questions that you need to have answered. This is where Monitium's Leadership Team and Advisory Board with well over 300 years of combined experience go to work for you. Monitium's group of industry experts know what to look for and carefully screen all potential MLM portfolio companies to ensure that our Associates have the best possible MLM companies to select from.

Now, you will see many Marketers out there that want to show you how to promote your MLM using a system. But, I don't think you will find one that is geared to promote YOU. Plus, with the brilliant Monitium platform, you won't need to promote your MLM. You can have Multiple streams of income and NEVER have to promote your MLM... JUST YOUR TEAM !!

I, for one would like to say..."IT'S ABOUT TIME!"

Would you like more information OR to get started with this Innovative, Unique, Industry Changing, Paradigm Shifting, History Making Movement NOW ?

This is a MAJOR GAME changer in the networking world. We are doing a LEADER pre-align right now. This 27 minute VIDEO is best described as "ABOUT TIME

Please join us for one of our daily webinars and hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. 

You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..

If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just  message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly. 

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS. 

Are you a visionary ?
Are you ready to take a leap of faith ?
Don't over-analyze this...seeing IS believing! 

Become a part of History Today... 

To OUR success,
Skype: healthysuccess

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Find Out Why Monitium Will Change The Network Marketing Industry | Become Part Of History

Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

It is NOT is a MOVEMENT and solves the BIGGEST problems that MLMers have.

Here is a link to see this for yourself..

Once you really "SEE" the POWER of this and the Lightbulb goes "ON" ... We know you probably won't sleep for days like we all did!

Get started and be a part of our #1 team right away!

This is the program you have always dreamed of. No hype, No BS, No "egos" getting in the way of our money. This is a distributor & marketing company made by Multi Millionaires in the industry. This will change the networking industry FOREVER! Not the product, not the service, not the "Ownership".

Its finally all about the TEAM!

Watch the presentation and get a spot now! There is NO product to sell or convince people of. Just make sure your team is the most important to you and MONEY FLOWS!

TODAY IS ONLY WEEK 2 for our J3 Team building this. If you know who we are and what we can do, you know we are going to put in thousands of people and because this is a Binary there are going to be thousands more from spill over!

Get a TOP spot with our team now! Oh and when you see this back office, it will BLOW YOU AWAY!

Marketing Tools
Social Network
Reports & Stats
MUCH MORE than any back office I have ever seen!

Of course you know how we do things... websites, training sites, videos, lead generation, webinars RIGHT AWAY! Get your spot in the next 48 hours to be at the TOP of our entire team over the next 5 years!

Please let me know if you have any questions...

To your success,
Skype: healthysuccess
Call me: (973) 879-1627

Finally, What The Network Marketing Industry Has Been Waiting For!

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” ~ Brian Tracy


We're going to presume that you fall into one of the following 5 categories:

• Believes in the industry, has worked at least one MLM company with no significant success
• Believes in the industry, has worked at least one MLM company, made a little money, but hasn't yet created a stable residual income
• Believes in the industry, has worked in multiple companies with some financial success
• Believes in the industry, has worked multiple companies and has created a good residual income
• You are a MLM Top Gun. You have created a solid 6 to 7 figure ongoing income in the MLM industry.

You're experienced enough to understand the realities of our industry, especially if you've been involved in several MLM company's during your network marketing career thus far. If you've built your MLM business the old fashioned way up until now, chances are that you're working far too hard to maintain your commission check (let alone increasing it).

Some factors out of your control are:
  • attrition
  • compensation plan changes
  • product delivery challenges
  • price point of your product
  • and other corporate issues of the company.

These days you might even feel like your MLM business requires more attention than your job once did!

If this is your current reality, don't feel bad as you're certainly not alone.

The vast majority of low to mid level MLM earners are experiencing the same challenges and they're most certainly feeling stressed as the future of their residual checks have become more and more uncertain. Most are scrambling, trying to increase sponsorship on their teams by running promotions, or trying the latest & greatest online recruiting miracle.

The truth is, THE ECONOMY HAS CHANGED, which has also changed the methodology that you need to follow in your MLM business plan if you want to earn real money in the future. If your upline leader has told you that what worked in the past will work now, or in the future, then they're sadly mistaken.

Whether you realize it or not, current MLM industry polling confirms that more than 65% of network marketers are actively participating in up to Three MLM companies at the same time.

Like it or not this is an industry wide statistic, so these numbers are real for your team as well. Since nearly 3/4's of your team members are already engaged in multiple streams of income, what are you going to do in order to secure YOUR future?

You can either steer that process through Monitium's proprietary platform, or stand back, do nothing and lose control of your team over time. The choice Is yours to make, but if you choose to act, you can protect your team, plus position yourself and them to profit in a big way!


Traditional marketing has focused on the “product”, promoting the product, learning about the product and the most critical business tool that they neglect is building their teams.

This opportunity is how to focus on building your team..

NOW you can position YOURSELF and your team for financial success as you move into a SELECTED Business opportunity with a TEAM already in place, so you can EARN immediate income.

You owe it to yourself as an experienced marketer to clear off your schedule for about an hour.

Go to:

Watch the presentation video, listen to the audios by the leaders and read the PDF Documents on what is happening here.

This is NOT a sign-up page and is ONLY where you can learn MORE about Monitium

If I can answer any of your questions about MONITIUM, please just message me with your phone number and best time to reach you and I will call you directly.

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.

Are you a visionary ?
Are you ready to take a leap of faith ?
Don't over-analyze this...seeing IS believing!

Become a part of History Today...


Skype: healthysuccess
Call me: (973) 879-1627