Sunday, December 26, 2010

Monitium FREE 30 Day Trial | Monitium Promotion

"We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life."~ Jim Rohn

This is information that will REALLY kick start your financial success in 2011!!

Claim This AMAZING FREE Holiday Gift Today...

Do You Want To Experience The Financial Success That You DESERVE In 2011 ?  

Monitium has announced that the new 30 Day FREE Promotion is now LIVE!

Test drive the Monitium platform for a 30 day trial, activate at any time during the 30 day trial and invite UNLIMITED prospects to grab their own FREE 30 day trial.

Once you personally enroll just "4" Associates, your entire system is FREE!
Did I hear you say WIN-WIN ?

Free 30 Day Access To The Monitium Success System...

You Have Nothing To Lose and A Whole Lot To Gain ~

The news is so big, we intentionally saved it until now to give every Monitium associate the biggest MLM wealth building present they could dream of just before the New Year!

This one announcement will turn the industry on its head and leave people wondering how Monitium could do it... and the only remaining question will be how quickly do you want to fire your boss in 2011, because this program will provide you with the means to do it with 90 days if you go to work!

Nearly everything you think you understand about your Monitium business will be turned upside down -- and it will benefit EVERYONE IN A BIG WAY!

** Watch for the registration link for our next SPECIAL webinar that will really BLOW YOU AWAY on Sunday, January, 2... ( subscribe to this blog and receive an announcement in your inbox )

Monitium continues to over-deliver in a HUGE way!!

Watch the video below to see how this exciting program will jumpstart your SUCCESS in 2011..

To qualify to enroll new 30 Day Free Monitium Success System Associates is a snap!

All you have to do is be an active Monitium Associate by paying your December membership fee.

All Monitium Associates who are active in the month of December will be also be qualified to enroll new Monitium Associates in the month of January.

In order to take advantage of our new 30 Day Free program you simply have to provide us with a valid credit card and to digitally accept our Monitium Success System terms and conditions.

Although the steps to cancel will be very simple, please note that if you do not cancel your Monitium Success System within their 30 Day Free promotion period, your credit card will be automatically charged $49.97 on
your next month's billing date.

Once you see the backoffice and what this system offers, that thought will NOT even enter your mind...

* Please note that beginning in the month of January all monthly membership fees with be at the new $49.97 subscription price.
That is an amazing price point for ALL that this system has to offer.

Again, we are so excited to provide you with this amazing business building advantage and look forward to hearing the hundreds of success stories from around the globe!

We are dedicated to supporting you as you grow your business with Monitium!

So, if you are ready to secure your financial security, then it would naturally make sense to consider exploring further and conducting your due diligence with our Monitium Success System today.

Everything I was searching for, in one place!

Need help to get started?
Contact me  and I will help you to get started or add me on
skype: healthysuccess

You will have an incredible team of International Mentors helping you to get started TODAY!

Too good to be true?
Try us and find out yourself.
After all, it does not cost you anything to talk to me.

Monitium ~ Simple. Affordable. Powerful.

Dedicated Mentor
(973) 879-1627
New Jersey, USA
Skype: healthysuccess
"We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life." ~ Jim Rohn

Build One Team, One Time ... and Receive
Multiple Streams of income ... For Life!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MLM Lawsuit - A Must Read | Don't Let This Happen To YOU

From the Desk of Ken Eggleston:

To All Monitium Friends and Associates,

The link below illustrates a perfect example of why Monitium was created to protect you, the professional network marketer! Imagine losing your MLM income overnight, especially if you were making a whopping $330,000 a year (as this top builder was) with a well known MLM company. (You may be shocked when you see the company name). And when you read why the terminations occurred and how some of the distributors were treated by the company during the compliance investigation, it's nothing short of incredible!

How would you feel (or maybe it's already happened to you), if you poured your heart and soul into building "one" MLM business for years, and the company simply terminates you as easily as they would terminate a receptionist?

As you click on the link below and read the highlights of this pleading, consider the sobering reality that for each one of these cases that actually hits the courts, thousands of other wrongfully terminated distributors go unrepresented each year resulting in untold hardships.

By sharing Monitium with other network marketers you're offering one of the greatest gifts, which is financial empowerment and protection for their family's financial future.

What's the real tangible value of Monitium's "protection contract" which enables Monitium to act as an advocate on your behalf with each MLM partner if you become the target of a compliance department investigation = PRICELESS!

I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow night on our special 9pm EDT call as we take the next big step towards making Monitium a household name for every network marketer around the globe. And if you haven't done so yet, please make sure to click on the below webinar reservation link to listen in on the amazing announcements that we have planned.... 2011 is going to be an incredible year for you and your Monitium business.


DATE: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 (USA)

TIME: USA: 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific
London, England: 12/23* 2am
Sydney, Australia: 12/23* 1pm

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

"Live" Special Monitium Call Presentation

Dial-In Number: 312-878-0211 (US)
Access Code: 429-458-502

This announcement will cause a flood of professional network marketers as well as the average person who knows nothing about network marketing to pour into your Monitium Business… It’s that strong!

I wish I was at liberty to share the awesome news that will be presented on this webinar, but you will just have to attend to find out for yourself.

I can promise you...

YOU WILL be very happy that you attended!

I have NEVER seen a Company OVER-DELIVER the way Monitium does and this one is REALLY over the TOP!
What a way to start the NEW YEAR (early)!!

To your success,

Dedicated Mentor
(973) 879-1627
New Jersey, USA
Skype: healthysuccess
"We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life." ~ Jim Rohn

Build One Team, One Time ... and Receive
Multiple Streams of income ... For Life!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

[ MONITIUM ] VIP Invite ~ Monitium CEO Ken Eggleston 'Live'! ~ HUGE NEWS...PLEASE READ

This is information that will REALLY kick start your financial success in 2011!!

Monitium CEO Ken Eggleston 'Live'!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

This is a Special call

The news is so big, we intentionally saved it until now to give every Monitium associate the biggest MLM wealth building present they could dream of just before the New Year!

This one announcement will turn the industry on its head and leave people wondering how Monitium could do it... and the only remaining question will be how quickly do you want to fire your boss in 2011, because this call will provide you with the means to do it with 90 days if you go to work!

Nearly everything you think you understand about your Monitium business will be turned upside down -- and it will benefit EVERYONE IN A BIG WAY!

Guests On This Special Call Will Include:

.. Christian Warren, Creator of Monitium's Back-Office

.. Jim Bellacera - Director of Marketing for Monitium & MLM Industry Legend

.. Treasure Milinovich - Director of Women's Development & Founder of the Network of Women

.. Beau Reed - Monitium's Online Marketing Expert

Click on the following link to Register NOW!

To your success,

Marc Korn
Dedicated Mentor
(973) 879-1627
New Jersey, USA
Skype: healthysuccess
"We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life." ~ Jim Rohn

Build One Team, One Time ... and Receive
Multiple Streams of income ... For Life!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who Is Responsible For Your Success ?

“Accountability breeds response-ability.” Stephen R. Covey

Accountability  is a concept in ethics with several meanings. It is often used synonymously with such concepts as responsibility, answerability, enforcement, blameworthiness, liability and other terms associated with the expectation of account-giving.

In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, decisions, and policies and includes the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.
Remind yourself - if it’s meant to be it’s up to me.

Every choice, every decision you make creates the outcomes you have in your life. Take personal responsibility and be accountable.

Known as The Accountability Master, Marsha Petrie Sue dares people to take personal responsibility for their choices, success, and life. She is original, unique, and a one-of-a-kind professional speaker and author.

Enjoy the video below..

Personal responsibility is the most important ethic you can exercise.With the cultivation of personal responsibility comes growth in all areas of life. It is a matter of taking charge of your own self and your circumstances through well-directed thoughts, words, and deeds.

Also, be aware that learning never ends, giving you the opportunity to effect change and to improve continually. Personal responsibility is the science of success in living well.

Having gained all the benefits of personal responsibility will give you the position of being sought after by others for help. So teach them about personal responsibility so that they too can grow and come into their own.

Teaching others to be responsible for themselves and their actions or lack of actions is just like teaching someone to fish so that they will always have food, rather than the temporary solution of giving someone food with the result that they will again be hungry shortly. If you allow others to demonstrate for themselves that they can catch fish..they will now be able to feed themselves, which will also feed their self-esteem.

Take the personal responsibility to look at the underlying cause of problems so they can be completely resolved, rather than just quick fixes.

Personal responsibility ensures not only happiness in the present, but also certainty about the future. Personal responsibility is the most important ethic you can continue to develop.

So remember, "if it’s meant to be it’s up to me." ~ don't blame others, don't point fingers at other people for your lack of success..

Are you looking for financial security for yourself and your family?  

If so, CREATE your own economic stimulus plan TODAY!!

 So, if you are ready to secure your financial security, then it would naturally make sense to consider exploring further and conducting your due diligence with our Monitium Success System today.

Everything I was searching for, in one place! 

Need help to get started?
Contact me here on FB and I will help you to get started or add me on 
skype: healthysuccess

You will have an incredible team of International Mentors helping you to get started TODAY!

Too good to be true?
Try us and find out yourself.
After all, it does not cost you anything to talk to me.

Monitium ~ Simple. Affordable. Powerful. 

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS. 

To your success,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

This Week's Monitium Business Presentations For The Week Of 12/13

MNOW - Monitium's Network of Women
Monday, December 13, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Join Treasure Milinovich as she unveils the vision for Monitium's exclusive women's leadership and empowerment community, The Network of Women. She will share exactly how you can start to spread the message of The Network of Women and why this community will be beneficial not only for your own growth and personal branding as a leader, but also for building your Monitium business.

You will hear from several top female leaders as they share why they are passionate about The Network of Women and how we can all come together to build the largest community of like-minded entrepreneurial women ever created.

You will learn how to make The Network of Women a central focus for building your business and what you can do to assist in the building of MNow as a powerful, unified tribe. The ladies have a unique opportunity to finally make a lasting impact on this industry as a collective voice, and you are one of the first on board!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM EST

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...
Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...
Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Wisdom of Monitium Conference Call
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

Join Advisory Board members Mary Lou Venable and Elaine Venable Stapleton on an interactive conference call and... bring your questions!

Mary Lou and Elaine have their own winning style that has made them very successful -- and they are committed to YOUR success! Here are some of the topics they will discuss:

.. Why Monitium, and why now
.. The importance of every person involved
.. Why we need to expect and embrace change
.. How to make a full-time income from pennies, nickels, and dimes
.. How this business is just like the world of sports
.. and much, much, more!

This will be fun and motivating, so please join us!

Conference dial-in number: (712) 432-0075
Access code: 335718

To use Skype for calling into the conference calls (with no telephone charges), add "freeconferencing" to your contacts. At the scheduled time of your conference call, select ‘freeconferencing’ and click the Call button. Once the call is connected, locate the key pad and enter the access code followed by the pound (#) key when prompted.

(To locate the Skype keypad to enter your access code, select the contact first and then the green Dial button to connect the call. In the same area as the Dial button, next to the volume control to the right, you will see a round drop down icon. Click on the icon and select Display Keypad from the drop down menu. When prompted, enter your access code using the Skype keypad followed by the # key.)

The Monitium Advantage Presentation

Thursday, December 16, 2010 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM EST

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...
Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation 
Thursday, December 16, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Join leaders from around the globe, and feel the Monitium excitement! Hear why 6 and 7 figure earners from our industry wanted to find a better way, and have found their last home with Monitium. Listen to what they're saying and doing to share this revolutionary opportunity with everyone they speak with!

This call is audio only. Once you register for this event, you will be given a call-in number, or you may also listen with VOIP if you log in as if attending a webinar.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Leader Mindset with Jim Bellacera
Thursday, December 16, 2010 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST

Join Monitium co-founder Jim Bellacera, as he speaks with industry experts from around the globe. Through Jim's interviews each week, you will... hear about the path that each leader has taken, learn from their insight and experience, and gain an in-depth understanding of why they've chosen to align themselves with Monitium, and why now!

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

The Monitium Advantage Presentation
Saturday, December 18, 2010 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

For those wanting to learn about the Monitium concept and income potential...

Hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future. You will learn about the challenges that most leaders in this industry face, and how Monitium's new business model addresses these challenges, protects the business that you grow, and enables a level of income that was never before possible in Multi-Level Marketing.

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!

Monitium Success System Training
Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

Learn how to start using and maximizing our fantastic Monitium Success System -- the most comprehensive and integrative business center and marketing system ever created! Hosted by our top-tier development team, we will walk you through the entire system, and teach you and your team how to get the most out of this incredible platform of tools. Bring your questions!

The Monitium Success System is the backbone and work-horse of our entire Monitium business. It has -- and we will continue to develop -- every tool you will need to market and operate a multi-million dollar organization. But it is also one of the many selling points of marketing your Monitium business and joining your team! Our System is already getting accolades, so make sure you learn how to get the most out of it -- it will simplify your life, make you more efficient, help your team grow quickly, and give you another benefit to introduce to your Monitium prospect!

Please click on the link below to access this "Live" Event!
To Be Determined
Monitium CEO Ken Eggleston 'Live'!
Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

Monitium's CEO, founder and visionary, Ken Eggleston speaks about the creation, opportunity, and vision of Monitium -- the revolutionary new paradigm for the Network Marketing Industry.

SPECIAL UPDATE WEBINAR! Here are some of the topics to be covered:

* date wowgreen International enrollments go live
* new application overview
* new binary placement process overview, and...


This will be a fully active webinar, so you'll want to be in front of your computer screen so you can view all of these important updates as Mr. Eggleston goes over each one.

Hear the inspiration and the years of experience, thought and foresight which led to the creation of Monitium. Ken is a fantastic speaker and leader, and it's imperative for your business that you understand what brought us all together in Monitium and why everyone in the Network Marketing industry will soon experience the incredible impact that will be felt the world over. We will open it up to questions at the end.


"This is the sexiest looking system and back-office I've ever seen! You folks have outdone yourselves. There's so many useful tools already, I can't wait to see what's coming."- Brandon Wright

"Ken Eggleston is a person and leader of the highest caliber that I have ever had the pleasure of being associated with. His integrity and vision is humbling and I feel very fortunate that we have his guidance at the very top of Monitium."
- Ryan Vanderpool, MLM Legend

"Finally, the TEAM -- not a company -- is the FOCUS. Monitium will be the biggest force in the network marketing arena. This is a HOME RUN!"
- Jimmy Hodges

"I am blown away with this system. I wish to thank you very much. This will bless millions."
- Ronny C. Kirkland

We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Brian Tracy - If You Could Achieve One Goal in 24 Hours

“All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” ~ Brian Tracy

If you could only accomplish one of your many goals, what would it be?
This is the question success expert Brian Tracy asks in this video.

Watch as he describes exactly what you need to do in order to achieve this goal and find greater success in life.

What do you think of Brian's suggestions?
What is your biggest goal?
What are you actively doing in order to achieve it?

After watching the video be sure to share your comments below, and feel free to pass this video on to friends and family.

Setting goals should be the first action before we start any project.

Unfortunately, most people don’t take the time and trouble to sit down and write down the steps they need to take in order to achieve their goals. So, it’s NOT surprising that so many people fail to realize their dreams.

Even if you have a small task, you should use goal setting techniques.

This way, when you achieve success with these small goals…you will feel encouraged when you have to attack a larger endeavor. When you set realistic goals and achieve success you will be setting the stage for progress in your life.

So, when it comes to your life, this is where you really want to set and achieve your goals.

So, look at where you currently are in your life and map out a plan to achieve your goals.

Regardless of the stage of life you are in and your current situation, you should detail the steps to your goal in writing, on paper.

If you are closing in on retirement or just about to be married, you will have life goals that you want to realize and each step may require its own set of goals.

Brian is a world renowned success expert who has written 47 books, worked with more than 1000 companies, and spoken to 5 million people in 52 countries.

Setting goals can be stimulating and very rewarding when they are achieved. Even when you are faced with a task that seems impossible, if you set a goal and break it down into smaller steps…you will be amazed how easily you can achieve your goal.

The two main areas for many people are financial goals and personal happiness goals.

Goals make it clear to you what it is that you desire in your life long term. Ideas, beliefs and attitudes may change over time and goals can be adjusted, but generally the original themes remain constant.

Goals are extremely important if you have the desire and ambition to improve yourself. It is very easy to be content with your life and feel that nothing needs improvement.

But, if you have lofty dreams and desires…then your goals are the glue that will allow you to rise above mediocrity and reach your ambitions.

Setting goals IS imperative to success in life and in business.

Dream your dreams and set your goals.

There is no better time to start than NOW!

So, if you are ready to challenge yourself and set some financial goals, then it would naturally make sense to consider exploring further and conducting your due diligence with our Monitium Success System today.

Everything I was searching for, in one place!

Monitium ~ Simple. Affordable. Powerful.

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.

Yours In Prosperity,
Marc Korn
Phone: (800) 397-0254

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Monitium Network of Women | Calling ALL Empowered Entrepreneurial Women

"The world will be saved by the Western Woman." Dalai Lama

Company Overview:
The Network of Women was created to give women a safe-haven to learn, share and grow within a community of positive, supportive, empowered entrepreneurial women.

We are creating a global community of purposefully driven women to empower 1 million women to reclaim their voice and rediscover their passion to make a positive impact in our world.

Women make up 70% of all distributors in the MLM industry yet are grossly under-represented in leadership. We are committed to leading the movement of women’s collective voices being heard in a male dominated industry and beyond.

The unique challenges that women entrepreneurs face today are the key motivation to developing this community. Our desire is to attract the best women leaders and the brightest women striving to be leaders.

Women have long suppressed their own femininity in business fearing that this side of themselves will hinder their possibility of success. Our community focuses on reclaiming the boundless possibilities available by recognizing the gift of being a woman.

Along with that gift comes the daunting task of being so much to so many, often neglecting you and your dreams. To rise to your very best it’s essential to find balance between yourself and all of the roles you play. By focusing on the whole you including body, mind, and spirit you are able to bridge these parts of your life. To help you with this we have focused our tools, techniques and expert input around the areas of leadership, goal achieving, visualization, meditation, self-love, empowerment, healthy eating, exercise, and much more.

Those aspiring to enhance their leadership skills and develop a deeper understanding of their own purpose can learn from some of the best in the areas of networking, marketing, personal development, and health and wellness. Through online forums, in-person weekly community meetings, and live regional events you will develop meaningful relationships with like-minded women, feeling safe to uncover and share your dreams.

We are committed to women sharing their passion and reaching a new level of personal and professional success.

Watch the following brief video by MNOW Founder Treasure Millinovich and see and hear her passion and committment..

You won't be sorry and you'll never look back!

Head over to the Fan Page NOW and LIKE it...because if you do, you will learn to LOVE it !

N = Network
O = Of
W = Women

Want More Information ?
See my blog post..

Please let me know if you would like more information...

Everything I was searching for, in one place!

Monitium ~ Simple. Affordable. Powerful. 

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS. 

Yours In Prosperity,
Marc Korn
Phone: (800) 397-0254

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Les Brown on Why People Fail | Monitium Prosperity

"If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams." ~ Les Brown

If you had a chance to relive your life, would you do anything differently?

For most people, the answer is yes. Many people fall short of reaching their potential...but why?

In this following video, motivational speaker Les Brown explains why people fail.

What do you think of Les's advice?
What are your personal goals, and how can you increase them?
What would you do differently if you could go back in time?

After watching the video be sure to share your comments below, and feel free to pass this video on to friends and family.

So, are you READY TO AIM HIGH ?

There are really just two kinds of entrepreneurs; Average and Exceptional.

What do you think it is that separates the average from the exceptional ?

Here is the Secret..

"Success is not what you do. Success is what you do daily."

So, follow the advice of Les Brown and make sure to "Aim High" and there is nothing that you can't achieve.

Basically, exceptional entrepreneurs have a different set of habits. They have success habits that are easily supported by a successful system and a solid team.

So, how do you feel about your team and your marketing system ?

What do you think has gotten in your way from you reaching the level of success in your business that you KNOW you deserve?

How much better do you feel you could perform with an elite team of entrepreneurs supporting you each step of the way ?

Imagine having an elite group of entrepreneurs 100% committed to your success...

Do you think that would help you to achieve success ?

Your confidence would sky rocket. Your attitude would soar...
Success always has and always will start with the right ATTITUDE.

Your attitude towards your business, your relationship to it, the way you treat it has everything to do with it becoming a success..


Then it would naturally make sense to consider exploring further and conducting your due diligence with our Monitium Success System today.

Everything I was searching for, in one place!

Monitium ~ Simple. Affordable. Powerful.

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.

Yours In Prosperity,
Marc Korn
Phone: (800) 397-0254

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monitium Success System Tour | Conduct Your Due Diligence

One of the many things I really like about Monitium is that they are totally open and have incredible integrity..

Everything you could ever want to know about this incredible success platform is readily available to anyone who is willing to conduct their due diligence. When you visit a Monitium Associate Tour website you will find an enormous amount of information designed to answer all of your questions.

Below you will find an example of the type of information that is waiting for you at the tour site.

Below that, you will find a brief video that will explain how to make sure that you access ALL of this awesome information.

On the top right of the marketing site and the graphic labeled Monitium FAQ’s. In this section you will find 19 Videos done by our very own Industry legend, Jim Bellacera of our advisory board, which will answer all your questions whether you are brand new to our industry or a top gun. Below you will find the titles of these FAQ Videos.

1. New To The MLM Industry

2. Experienced In The MLM Industry

3. Leader In The MLM Industry

4. What type of Team Support Does Monitium Offer

5. What type of tools does Monitium provide

6. What kind of earnings are possible with Monitium

7. How does Monitium select MLM Companies

8. How is Monitium financed

9. Why does Monitium have an advisory board

10. What is the Monitium Network of Women

11. How does Monitium work

12. Do you have to leave your current MLM

13. What type of questions are leaders joining Monitium asking

14. Why is Monitium not an MLM?

15. Are there MLM Companies in my country

16. What is Monitium’s mission statement

17. Why is this the last time you have to build your team

18. I just joined a new mlm what now

19. Is the fast money true and will it last

As you can see we make every effort to answer your questions regarding our success system.

You can also learn about MNOW! Monitium’s Network of Women...
Listen to audios by our incredible advisory board members and go through our flash flip books which will give you even more detail on why you should be involved with this Incredible Success System.

If all this isn’t enough feel free to Reserve a Ticket to listen into exclusive webinars held by our leaders who will explain everything to you in a live format.

You can visit my No Obligation Tour Page at:

Once you fill out your contact info, you will be taken to the tour site.

You owe it to yourself as a Marketer to clear off your schedule for about an hour watch the presentation video,( The "Monitium Advantage" In Demand)... listen to the audios by the leaders and read the PDF Documents on what is happening here.

Please join us for one of our daily webinars and hear why Monitium is the most powerful paradigm shift to ever hit the Network Marketing Industry, and how this revolutionary new platform will change your financial future.

You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..

To your success,
Skype: healthysuccess
(800) 397-0254

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Monitium Success System | Marc Korn Testimonial

My name is Marc Korn and I am not only a proud and dedicated Network Marketer, but a VERY PROUD Monitium Associate.

The Monitium platform has so much to offer EVERY Network Marketer out that it is difficult to know where to begin.

I want to thank Monitium Founder and CEO Ken Eggleston for having a VISION and making it a REALITY and all of Ken's Business partners and Support staff who made it possible to be where we are after only 60 days

MY BIGGEST is ALL about TIME FREEDOM and FINANCIAL FREEDOM and the ability to spend more quality time with family.

Working so closely with WORLD class networkers and individuals that will be my friends for LIFE...this is a true TEAM and an amazing experience.

The support from both Monitium and our TEAM is unprecedented and continues to get stronger.

Monitium truly is a SUCCESS SYSTEM and with ALL the tools under one roof and the Portfolio Companies that will be added...this IS a networkers "DREAM COME TRUE!

I am now able to help the struggling Networker to FINALLY have SUCCESS in the Industry and make a difference in so many lives.

Monitium continues to over-deliver and this platform just gets better EVERY day!!

Every Networker owes it to themselves to take the No Obligation Tour and see what is REALLY going on here..

You can always find a current webinar listed on the page below or just ask me for the next available webinar..

Please visit our Global Freedom Builders site and connect with our GREAT group of International Leaders and Mentors..

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.

To OUR success,
(800) 397-0254
Skype: healthysuccess

Friday, November 26, 2010

Monitium Presents WowGreen | Our First "Partner In Success"

Everyone that has engaged in the prelaunch of Monitium over the past 60 plus days saw the vision right away, but could only use their imagination as to the possibilities of really building something valuable and secure for the future.

To build one team for life, that would generate multiple income streams, was it really possible?

Would Monitium really be able to build a world class professional platform that, over a short period of time, would change the lives of tens of thousands of people from all over the world -- using one simple word LEVERAGE?... and thus give every associate the ability to leverage their time and efforts to create financial wealth for both themselves and their families for their life and beyond??

Well, it's happening now! And we think it's very clear that Monitium is delivering on its commitment to do just that, and that's why we are so excited to announce that the first gateway to creating multiple streams of income is happening for each and every one of you with our premiere portfolio partner WOWGREEN!

That's right it's all about creating GREEN... $$$$

  • In your home for healthy living
  • In your bank account for prosperity
  • Throughout your planet as a good steward of nature
  • And about sharing with others to do the same

Here is a 10 minute explanation of the best way to get involved in the GREEN industry. You will owe it to yourself to look at this video.

Yours In Prosperity,
Marc Korn 
Phone: (800) 397-0254

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monitium Strategic Alliance Agreement | Ultimate Protection For Distributors

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. ~ Jack Welch

Monitium is about to publish their STRATEGIC ALLIANCE AGREEMENT. This is the MOST IMPORTANT component of Monitium...
As we enter the different partner companies, we can now see how Monitium will protect us and the multiple streams of income that Monitium will help us to build.

How will Monitium be our Advocate ?

There is one more tweak before the Agreement is published. These will be placed in a prominent section of our replicated websites and will be a huge marketing tool. Network marketers will view this as a huge benefit.
It will be there for ALL to see!

Just wait until you see the POWER and POTENTIAL of what this agreement WILL do for you and your future. Not only will it protect you, as a Distributor, but this will give you long term financial security for your family. 

This is a very exciting time in our great Network Marketing Industry. This is a History making endeavor and will greatly benefit any Associate who joins Monitium and will also be a HUGE benefit to the partner Company that has the vision to align with Monitium.

Here is just a glimpse of some of the areas that Monitium will negotiate on behalf of ALL Monitium Associates:

** Monitium Geneology Insertion Into Company..

Company agrees to special consideration for Monitium Associates at time of Enrollment..

  • Company will waive standard enrollment fee
  • Company will waive monthly backoffice and website fees
  • Company will strive to maintain a 1 to 1 ratio (Dollar to BV/PV point)
  • Company will work with Monitium to reduce shipping and handling costs.
Here are some of the benefits that Monitium was able to negotiate on our behalf with our first Partner Company, WOWGreen....

  • Zero enrollment cost (normal $59.95 WAIVED)
  • Backoffice Monthly Fees (WAIVED)
  • Reduced Product Pricing on WoWGo by 25% While Maintaining Same 25 BV (Bonus Volume)
  • Reduced Monthly AutoShip Requirement to Max Out Compensation Plan to Just 50 BV (Bonus Volume)
  • Increased Bonus Volume on $199.00 Fast Start Kit From 75 BV to 125 BV
  • Can Secure Binary Position With Just 25 BV AutoShip order
  • Negotiated "4 & You're Free" when autoship orders have the same products as your 4 personally sponsored associates
** Monitium Associates that enroll with a Portfolio partner will be permitted to participate in other business opportunites within the Monitium platform.

** For the first time, we can sell our business with few restrictions. For once, we truly do own our business.

** Company rank qualifications and Leadership Commission Bonuses...

If you look at most companies… you MUST maintain your ranking for 90 days. Monitium is ensuring that as you build a team of 100, 200, 500, 1,000 and beyond, the waiting period WILL be waived as you insert into the next company.

Example: Say you have a team of 200 to qualify for a bonus…. As of the next commission run, they will have to pay you for that bonus. Every time we roll into a company, if you are at a specific rank advancement level, for instance a Diamond level ... you are immediately gaining access to that level of pay and bonuses.

Monitium will become the largest distributor of products in the Direct Sales Industry. As Monitium grows, imagine 500,000 distributors and we are rivaling other companies.  But, say these 500,000 distributors are spread out in various Monitium Portfolio companies. If you have a company with 500,000 distributors, we now have the purchasing power of:

12 x 500,000 = 6,000,000 people

This is the game changer in the industry. This is setting tone of creating a professional organization who is an advocate for YOU.
We are in partnership with the MLM companies. We are partnering with MLM companies who feel their distributors SHOULD be protected.

Any network marketer who isn’t part of Monitium is gambling with their families financial future and they are gambling with the fact that a company will do the right thing.

Do you want LONG TERM financial security without having to build a team over and over again?

Then you owe it to yourself to see what Monitium has to offer...

Recently I made the most important discovery of my Network marketing career.

I found Monitium!

Everything I was searching for, in one place!

Seriously you don't have to keep searching...

Have you been searching and searching, wondering where is the best marketing system to invest in?
Plus, the most important question of all... how do I ensure I am on a winning team ?

If you can relate, even a little bit to the questions above, then it would naturally make sense to consider exploring further and conducting your due diligence with our Monitium Success System today.

Monitium ~ Simple. Affordable. Powerful.

THIS is not MLM but it is a MODEL OF SUCCESS.

Yours In Prosperity,
Marc Korn
Phone: (800) 397-0254